Section: Software and Platforms
Participants : Radu Tudoran, Alexandru Costan, Gabriel Antoniu.
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TomusBlobs is a software library for concurrency-optimized data storage for data-intensive applications running on Azure clouds, including MapReduce applications. It is being developed by the KerData Inria Project-Team in the framework of the A-Brain MSR-Inria project. It uses the BlobSeer library.
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TomusBlobs has been preliminarily evaluated within the A-Brain project where it was used to execute a real-life application aiming to search for significant associations between brain images and genetics data. The TomusBlobs data-storage layer developed in the framework of the A-Brain MSR-Inria project was demonstrated to scale up to 1000 cores on 3 Azure data centers; it exhibits improvements in execution time up to 50 % compared to standard solutions based on Azure BLOB storage. Based on this storage infrastructure, the A-Brain project consortium has provided the first statistical evidence of the heritability of functional signals in a failed stop task in basal ganglia, using a ridge regression approach, while relying on the Azure cloud to address the computational burden.
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- Status:
This software is available on Inria's forge. Registration with APP is in progress.