Section: New Results

Visual servoing

Photometric moment-based visual servoing

Participants : Manikandan Bakthavatchalam, François Chaumette.

This goal of this work is to use a set of photometric moments as visual features for visual servoing. We first determined the analytical form of the interaction matrix related to these moments. From the results obtained in the past from binary moments, we then selected a set of four features to control four degrees of freedom (dof) with excellent decoupling and stability properties [35] . More recently, thanks to a collaboration with Omar Tahri from ISR Coimbra in Portugal, these results have been extended to the full six dof case.

Visual servoing of humanoid robot

Participant : François Chaumette.

This study has been realized in collaboration with the Pal robotics company located in Barcelona, Spain. It was devoted to the control of the arm of a humanoid robot by visual servoing for manipulation tasks [29] .

Visual servoing of cable-driven parallel robot

Participant : François Chaumette.

This study is realized in collaboration with Rémy Ramadour and Jean-Pierre Merlet from Coprin group at Inria Sophia Antipolis. Its goal is to adapt visual servoing techniques for cable-driven parallel robot in order to achieve acurate manipulation tasks. This study is in the scope of the Inria large-scale initiative action PAL (see Section  8.2.6 ).


Participants : Le Cui, Eric Marchand.

We began a work, within the ANR P2N Nanorobust project (see Section  8.2.1 ), on the development of micro- and nano-manipulation within SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope). Our goal is to provide visual servoing techniques for positioning and manipulation tasks with a nanometer precision. This year, we focused on the characterisation of the projection model of a SEM along with the approach required for its calibration.