Section: Dissemination
The short movie “Probing the invisible, from the earthquake to the model” realized by Magique-3D in 2010, has been presented at Unesco during the day “Mathematics for Planet Earth”, on March 5th 2013 . It is also part of the virtual exhibition “Mathematics of Planet Earth ”
Hélène Barucq is member of the scientific board created for helping to the organization of a mobile exhibition in favor of the equality between girls and boys. The exhibition will be held in Pau in June 2014.
Juliette Chabassier has written a short paper, “Simuler le son d'un piano” , on the website of Mathématiques de la planète Terre 2013, “Un jour, une brève”, [75] .
Juliette Chabassier has written a short paper, “Le piano rêvé des mathématiciens” , in the book “Mathématiques: l'explosion continue”, .
Juliette Chabassier has published a website on the piano modeling, .
Julien Diaz participated to the “Journées jeunes chercheurs en mathématiques du lycée de Navarre / UPPA” , March 20th-22th, 2013.
Julien Diaz has written an article, “Prospection pétrolière : le sous-sol révélé”, in the TDC (Textes et Documents pour la classe) journal, for high-school teachers, [77] .
Julien Diaz has written a short paper, "Jeter un œil “Au centre de la Terre” , on the website of Mathématiques de la planète Terre 2013, “Un jour, une brève”, [76] .
Victor Péron participated to the “Journée d'Immersion des Lycéens à l'Université de Pau” and has given a talk “Probing the invisible, from the earthquake to the model”, November 28th, 2013.