Section: Dissemination

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Members of the project refereed papers for the journals MSCS (Mathematical Structures of Computer Science), JFR (Journal of Formalized Reasoning), they participated to the program committee of ITP (Interactive Theorem Provers),ACL2 (A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp), PxTP (Proof Exchange for Theorem Provers), and refereed papers for the conferences ITP and ESOP (European Symposium on Programming),ISSAC (International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation).

Benjamin Grégoire gave lectures at the first EasyCrypt summer school in Philadelphia in July.

Members of the project participated to the conferences “Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs” (Aussois, France, January) “workshop on Foundation of Mathematics for Computer-Aided Formalization” (Padova, Italy, January), “Journées Nationales de l'Informatique Mathématique” (Lyon, January),“Conferences on Inteligent Computer Mathematics” (London, July), “Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving” (Rennes, France), “Conference on Symbolic and Numerical Algorithms for Scientific Computing” (Timisoara, Romania, September).

Yves Bertot was invited to give a joint seminar on homotopy type theory at Harvard in Boston, USA, and MIT on March 25th, 2013, Benjamin Grégoire made 8 visits to IMDEA in Madrid, Spain, to work on formally verified proofs in cryptography and automatic tools for formal verification for cryptographers, L. Rideau, L. Théry, E. Martin-Dorel were invited to meetings in Lyon, in July and October, Y. Bertot, L. Rideau participated to the Spring Day of Microsoft Research-Inria joint centre.