Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : Laurence Rideau, “Introduction to programming” classe préparatoire MP*, teaching assistant, 48 hours, Lycée Masséna, Nice, France

  • Master : Laurent Théry: “Formalization of floating point arithmetic”, 8 hours, ENS Lyon, France

  • Master : Laurent Théry: “Introduction to Coq”, 3 hours, École des Mines de Paris, Sophia Antipolis, France

  • Master : Laurent Théry: Examiner for the exam “agrégation de mathématiques, option informatique”

  • Master : Julianna Zsidó: “Logic”, 48 hours, École Polytechnique Universitaire, Sophia Antipolis, France


  • PhD : Maxime Dénès, “Étude formelle d'algorithmes efficaces en algèbre linéaire”, Université de Nice, defended on November, 20th, 2013, supervised by Yves Bertot.

  • PhD in progress: Maxime Cano, “Interaction entre algèbre linéaire et analyse en formalisation des mathématiques”, thèse commencée en octobre 2010, supervised par Yves Bertot.


  • Yves Bertot was an examiner for the thesis defense of Shi Xiaomu (University of Grenoble, France and Tsinghua University, Beijing, China), María Poza (Universidad de la Rioja, Spain–with written report duty), Pierre Néron (Ecole Polytechnique, France–as chairman for the Jury), Victor Magron (Ecole Polytechnique, France–with written report duty).

  • Benjamin Grégoire was an examiner for the thesis of Chantal Keller (Ecole Polytechnique, France).

Community Service

  • José Grimm is a member of the comité de centre, the committee where representatives of personnel and management discuss questions of daily life at the level of the Sophia-Antipolis Méditerranée center, he also participates in a commision on continued training and a commission on hygiene, safety, and working conditions. This activity involves around 12 meetings per year.

  • Benjamin Grégoire was a member of the comité de développement technologique (in English, technological development committee), the committe that overseas the allocation of software engineers on experimental software and platform development, until June 2013. Laurent Théry is a member of the same committee since June 2013.

  • Benjamin Grégoire and Yves Bertot are members of the Coq steering committee. Yves Bertot has been appointed chairman of this committee since October 2013. As such, Yves Bertot attended a Coq users meeting at ICFP in 2013.

  • Yves Bertot is deputy scientific director for the Sophia Antipolis méditerranée research center. This task implies meetings approximately every fortnight with the center director, the scientific director, and the director of admnistrative services for the center, together with frequent meetings with researchers from any domain in the center and monthly meetings at the national level as part of the evaluation committee.