Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Several members of MESCAL are university professors and comply with their recurrent teaching duties. We only list here lectures (i.e., not tutorials or practical sessions) at the master level or above.
Master : Florence Perronnin, Probabilities for computer science, 23h Eq. TD, M1, ENSIMAG
Master : Florence Perronnin, Performance Evaluation, 23h Eq. TD, M1, Polytech
Master : Arnaud Legrand and Jean-Marc Vincent, Performance Evaluation, 32h Eq. TD , M2, UJF
Master : Arnaud Legrand, Parallel Systems, 47h Eq. TD, M2, UJF
Master : Bruno Gaujal, Discrete Events, 18 Eq. TD, M2, MPRI/ Paris Diderot.
Master : Bruno Gaujal, Mean field Approximation, 20 Eq. TD, M2, BCAM (Bilbao)
Doctorat : Bruno Gaujal, Mean field Approximation 30 Eq. TD, Toulouse PhD Program.
Master : Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Game theory for the working economist, 55 Eq. TD, M2, University of Athens.
Master : Olivier Richard, Networking, 33 Eq. TD, M1, Polytech
Master : Jean-Marc Vincent, Probabilities and Simulation, 23h Eq. TD, M1, Polytech
Olivier Richard is also responsible of the organization of the RICM4 (M1 Polytech) and of multi-disciplinary projects.
PhD : Joseph Emeras, Workload Traces Analysis and Replay in Large Scale Distributed Systems, Université de Grenoble, 01 octobre 2013 [5] .
PhD : Robin Lamarche Perrin, Building Meaningful Macroscopic Descriptions of Large-scale Complex Systems, 14 octobre 2013 [6] .
Bruno Gaujal has been president of the junior researcher selection committee in Inria Bordeaux.
Bruno Gaujal has been member of the professor selection committee in University of Avignon.
Bruno Gaujal has been member of the PhD thesis committee of Alexandre Salch (G-SCOP laboratory, Grenoble).
Arnaud Legrand has been member of the PhD thesis committee of Sorina Camarasu Pop (Creatis laboratory, Lyon).
Arnaud Legrand has been a reviewer of the PhD thesis of Javier Celaya Alastrué (University of Zaragoza, Spain).