Publications of the year
Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses
1L. Jacquin.
Compromis performance/sécurité des passerelles très haut débit pour Internet., Université de Grenoble, November 2013.
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
2M. Bougeret, P.-F. Dutot, D. Trystram.
Moderately exponential approximation for makespan minimization on related machines, in: Theoretical Computer Science, 2013, In press. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.tcs.2013.03.020 ] -
3M. Dreher, J. Prevoteau-Jonquet, M. Trellet, M. Piuzzi, M. Baaden, B. Raffin, N. Férey, S. Robert, S. Limet.
ExaViz: a Flexible Framework to Analyse, Steer and Interact with Molecular Dynamics Simulations, in: Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society, May 2014. [ DOI : 10.1039/C3FD00142C ] -
4C.-P. Jeannerod, C. Pernet, A. Storjohann.
Rank-profile revealing Gaussian elimination and the CUP matrix decomposition, in: Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2013, vol. 56, pp. 46-68. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jsc.2013.04.004 ]
International Conferences with Proceedings
5A. Ancel, I. Assenmacher, K. Baba, J. Cisonni, Y. Fujiso, P. Goncalves, M. Imbert, K. Koyamada, P. Neyron, K. Nozaki, H. Ohsaki, A. Orgerie, X. Pelorson, B. Raffin, N. Sakamoto, E. Sakane, S. Wada, S. Shimojo, A. Van Hirtum.
PetaFlow - An example of communication and computational technologies with social impact, in: HSNCE 2013- The 4th IEEE International Workshop on High-Speed Network and Computing Environment - 2013, Kyoto, Japan, 2013. -
6A. Ancel, B. Raffin, I. Assenmacher, A. Van Hirtum, Y. Fujiso, K. Nozaki.
Parallel caching for remote visualisation, in: HSNCE 2013- The 4th IEEE International Workshop on High-Speed Network and Computing Environment - 2013, Kyoto, Japan, 2013. -
7J. Blazewicz, P. Bouvry, J. Musial, J. Pecero, D. Trystram.
Dual Discounting Functions for Internet Shopping Optimization Problem, in: Proceedings of the 6th Multidisciplinary International Scheduling Conference: Theory and Applications MISTA, Ghent, Belgium, 2013. -
8J. Blazewicz, S. Kedad-Sidhoum, F. Monna, G. Mounié, D. Trystram.
Preemptive scheduling of independent tasks on multi-cores with GPU, in: ECCO XXVI: the 26th European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, Paris, France, 2013. -
9M. Dreher, M. Piuzzi, T. Ahmed, C. Matthieu, M. Baaden, N. Férey, S. Limet, B. Raffin, S. Robert.
Interactive Molecular Dynamics: Scaling up to Large Systems, in: International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2013, Barcelone, Spain, Elsevier, June 2013. -
10M. Dreher, B. Raffin.
A Flexible Framework for Asynchronous In Situ and In Transit Analytics for Scientific Simulations, in: CCGrid - International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, Chicago, IL, USA, IEEE Computer Science Press, May 2014. -
11J.-G. Dumas, C. Pernet, Z. Sultan.
Simultaneous computation of the row and column rank profiles, in: ISSAC 2013 - 38th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Boston, MA, United States, M. Kauers (editor), ACM, June 2013, pp. 181-188. [ DOI : 10.1145/2465506.2465517 ] -
12M. Durand, F. Broquedis, T. Gautier, B. Raffin.
An Efficient OpenMP Loop Scheduler for Irregular Applications on Large-Scale NUMA Machines, in: International Workshop on OpenMP (IWOMP), Canberra, Australia, A. P. Rendell, B. M. Chapman, M. S. Müller (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, vol. 8122, pp. 141-155. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-40698-0_11 ] -
13P.-F. Dutot, K. Jansen, C. Robenek, D. Trystram.
A (2+)-Approximation for Scheduling Parallel Jobs in Platforms, in: the 19th International Euro-Par Conference, Aachen, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2013, vol. 8097, pp. 78-89. -
14J. Emeras, V. Pinheiro, K. Rzadca, D. Trystram.
OStrich: Fair Scheduling for Multiple Submissions, in: PPAM'2013, Warsaw, Poland, Springer, 2013. -
15M. Ettinger, F. Broquedis, T. Gautier, S. Ploix, B. Raffin.
VtkSMP: Task-based Parallel Operators for VTK Filters, in: EGPGV - 13th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, Girona, Spain, Eurographics Association, May 2013. -
16J. V. Ferreira Lima, F. Broquedis, T. Gautier, B. Raffin.
Preliminary Experiments with XKaapi on Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor, in: 25th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD), Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, October 2013. [ DOI : 10.1109/SBAC-PAD.2013.28 ] -
18T. Gautier, J. V. Ferreira Lima, N. Maillard, B. Raffin.
Locality-Aware Work Stealing on Multi-CPU and Multi-GPU Architectures, in: 6th Workshop on Programmability Issues for Heterogeneous Multicores (MULTIPROG), Berlin, Germany, January 2013. -
19T. Gautier, J. V. Ferreira Lima, N. Maillard, B. Raffin.
XKaapi: A Runtime System for Data-Flow Task Programming on Heterogeneous Architectures, in: 27th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Boston, Massachusetts, United States, May 2013. -
20T. Gautier, F. Lementec, V. Faucher, B. Raffin.
X-Kaapi: a Multi Paradigm Runtime for Multicore Architectures, in: Workshop P2S2 in conjunction of ICPP, Lyon, France, October 2013, 16 p. -
21A. Goldman, J. Lepping, Y. Ngoko, D. Trystram.
Combining Parallel Algorithms Solving the Same Application: What is the Best Approach?, in: ParLearning, IPDPS Workshop, Boston, United States, 2013, pp. 1859-1868. -
22S. Kedad-Sidhoum, F. Monna, G. Mounié, D. Trystram.
Approximation Algorithms for a Scheduling Problem on Multi-Cores with GPUs, in: Proceedings of the 11th workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems MAPSP, Pont-à-Mousson, France, 2013. -
24A. Kumar, J.-L. Roch, C. Pernet.
Secured Outsourced Linear Algebra, in: Safecomp 2013 FastAbstract, Toulouse, France, M.-O. Killijian (editor), September 2013. -
25J. Lepping, P. Mertikopoulos, D. Trystram.
Accelerating Population-Based Search Heuristics by Adaptive Resource Allocation, in: GECCO '13: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2013, pp. 1165-1172. -
26G. Pagano, D. Dosimont, G. Huard, V. Marangozova-Martin, J.-M. Vincent.
Trace Management and Analysis for Embedded Systems, in: Ieee 7th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core SoCs, Tokyo, Japan, 2013. -
27D. Trystram.
Are we expecting too much from GPUs?, in: PPAM, the 10th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Warsaw, Poland, 2013, Keynote talk.
National Conferences with Proceedings
28D. Dosimont, G. Huard, J.-M. Vincent.
La visualisation de traces, support à l'analyse, déverminage et optimisation d'applications de calcul haute performance, in: Actes de l'atelier Visualisation d'informations, interaction et fouille de données (VIF) de la 13e Conférence Francophone sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances (EGC'2013), Toulouse, France, 2013, pp. 55–66. -
29L. Eyraud-Dubois, A. Lèbre, P. Martineau, A. Soukhal, V. T'Kindt, D. Trystram.
A Server Consolidation Problem: Definition and Model, in: Proceedings of the 14th conference ROADEF, Troyes, France, 2013.
Conferences without Proceedings
30A. Kumar, J.-L. Roch, C. Pernet.
Secured Outsourced Linear Algebra, in: SAFECOMP'2013, The 32nd International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, Toulouse, France, Jérémie Guiochet (LAAS-CNRS, Univ. Toulouse, FR), August 2013.
Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)
31A. Casamayou, G. Connan, T. Dumont, L. Fousse, F. Maltey, M. Meulien, M. Mezzarobba, C. Pernet, N. M. Thiéry, P. Zimmermann.
Calcul mathématique avec Sage, Amazon, 2013, 468 p, electronic version available under Creative Commons license. -
32J.-G. Dumas, J.-L. Roch, E. Tannier, S. Varrette.
Théorie des Codes : compression, cryptage, correction, 2e edition, Sciences Sup, Dunod, August 2013, 384 p. -
33J.-G. Dumas, J.-L. Roch, E. Tannier, S. Varrette.
Foundations of Coding: Compression, Encryption, Error-Correction, 2014, A paraître. -
34J.-G. Dumas, C. Pernet.
Computational linear algebra over finite fields, in: Handbook of Finite Fields, G. L. Mullen, D. Panario (editors), Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Chapman & Hall / CRC, June 2013, pp. 514-528. -
35C. Grimme, M. Kemmerling, J. Lepping.
On the Integration of Theoretical Single-Objective Scheduling Results for Multi-objective Problems, in: EVOLVE - A bridge between probability, set oriented numerics and evolutionary computation, E. Tantar, A.-A. Tantar, P. Bouvry, P. Del Moral, P. Legrand, C. A. Coello Coello, S. Oliver (editors), Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, vol. 447, pp. 333-363, to appear.
Books or Proceedings Editing
36M. Bender, J. Blazewicz, E. Pesch, D. Trystram, G. Zhang (editors)
Guest editorial: special issue of the workshop "New trends in scheduling", Frejus sept. 2010, Springer, 2013, vol. 16, pp. 347-348.
Internal Reports
37J.-G. Dumas, T. Gautier, C. Pernet, Z. Sultan.
Parallel computation of echelon forms, February 2014. -
38M. Ettinger, F. Broquedis, T. Gautier, S. Ploix, B. Raffin.
VtkSMP: Task-based Parallel Operators for VTK Filters, Inria, February 2013, no RR-8245, 19 p. -
39G. Pagano, D. Dosimont, G. Huard, V. Marangozova-Martin, J.-M. Vincent.
Trace Management and Analysis for Embedded Systems, Inria, May 2013, no RR-8304, 21 p.
Other Publications
40D. Beniamine.
Impact of communication times on mixed CPU/GPU applications scheduling using KAAPI, Université Joseph Fourrier, Grenoble I, Grenoble, June 2013, 36 p. -
41R. Bleuse.
Utilisation efficace des accélérateurs GPU – Ordonnancement sur machines hybrides, École Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique et de Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble, Grenoble, June 2013, 40 p. -
42S. Curt.
Calcul haute performance avec OpenCL sur GPU, Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble I, June 2013. -
43L. Jacquin, V. Roca, J.-L. Roch.
ICMP: an Attack Vector against IPsec Gateways, 2013. -
44A. Kumar, J.-L. Roch.
Algorithm-Based Secure and Fault Tolerant Outsourcing of Matrix Computations, 2013, page number : 7 , Extended abstract.