MODAL - 2013
Application Domains
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Application Domains
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Mixture of Gaussians with Missing Data

Participants : Christophe Biernacki, Vincent Vandewalle.

The generative models allow to handle missing data. This can be easily performed by using the EM algorithm, which has a closed form M-step in the Gaussian setting. This can for instance be useful for distance estimation with missing data. It has been proposed to improve the distance estimation by fitting a mixture of Gaussian distributions instead of a considering only one Gaussian component [21] . This is a joined work with Emil Eirola and Amaury Lendrasse .

A parallel work is in progress on the mixture degeneracy when considering mixture of Gaussians with missing data. It have been experimentally noticed that the degeneracy in this case is particularly slow. This behaviour is different from the usual setting of degeneracy with mixture of Gaussians which is usually rather fast. A first attempt of the theoretical characterization of this behaviour around a degenerated solution has been presented at a conference [16] .