Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Florence Besse was co-organiser of the first Labex Signalife meeting, grant reviewer for ANR and reviewer for PLoS ONE, WIRES Developmental Biology.
Xavier Descombes was reviewer for the conference ISBI 2013 and the journals IEEE TMI, IEEE IP,... He is associated editor of DSP (Digital Signal Processing), expert for the DRRT Provence Alpes Côte d’AZur and DRRT Paris Ile de France. He is member of the Scientific Committee of the competitivness pole Optitech, associate member of IEEE BISP (Biomedical Imaging Signal Processing) Technical Committee and member of the Scientific Committee of Labex SIGNALIFE. Xavier Descombes was in the jury of an AAP Cancer call for project launched by INSERM. He was also in a MdC recruitment jury in Toulouse.
Xavier Descombes was invited to give seminar or lectures in Strasbourg University, in the annual workshop on stochastic geometry organized in Grenoble, in the summer school in Cabreret, in a workshop in Toulouse orgnaized by the labex CIMI and at Institut Curie during the GdR workshop on computational biology.
Eric Debreuve is member of the steering committee of Laboratoire I3S and coordinator of Pôle SIS (Signals, Images, Systems) of Laboratoire I3S (includes the management of a 25000-euro funding provided by the lab). He is member of the Board of the Association GRETSI (Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images) and was reviewer for IEEE: Transactions on Medical Imaging; Springer: Multimedia Tools and Applications, Machine Vision and Applications; Elsevier: Pattern Recognition, Signal Processing; Revue Traitement du Signal. He was member of conference technical program committees ( Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS), Poznan, Poland and IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Beijing, China.
Laure Blanc-Féraud is Associate Editor of SIAM Journal Imaging Sciences and Traitement du Signal Journal. She is director of GdR ISIS of CNRS. She is Program chair of the conference IEEE ISBI 2014 in Beijing. She is member of the IEEE BISP (Biomedical Imaging Signal Processing) Technical Committee, she was vice chair of the evaluation committee of the ANR program blanc SIMI3 (till july 2013), she is member of the scientific steering committee of ANR (from september 2013), member of the scientific council of Institute INS2I of CNRS, invited member of the scientific council of Institute INSIS of CNRS , member of "bureau du comité des projets" Inria SAM and alternate member of CNECA (Comité National des Enseignants Chercheurs en Agriculture). She is part of the scientific committee of laboratory GreyC (UMR CNRS 6072) and of "'Institut des Technologies Avancées en sciences du Vivant" (ITAV, USR CNRS 3505).
Laure Blanc-Féraud was reviewer for Inverse Problems journal and the conferences IEEE ISBI, IEEE ICIP, IEEE ICASSP. She was co-organisor of the workshop on New Computational Methods in Inverse Problems - NCMIP 2013 (NCMIP ) in ENS Cachan and was associate editor for the conferences : IEEE ISBI'13, Workshop NCMIP 2013. She was in the scientific committees of the european workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP 2013) and of the 11th International workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing (ALCOSP 2013).
G. Malandain is member of the IEEE/EMB Technical Committee on Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing (BIIP) He is an invited member of the Scientific Committee of the MIA department of INRA.
G. Malandain is a member of the editorial board of the journal International Journal on Computer Vision (Kluwer). He was an associate editor for the conference ISBI 2014, and serves as reviewer for the conferences DGCI 2013, ISBI 2103, MICCAI 2013 and ICCV 2013.
Caroline Medioni gave an oral communication at Cold Spring Harbor meeting: Neurobiology of Drosophila in New York and at the "Journées régionales de la Cancéropole PACA".