Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  Marie Aimée Dronne teaches 192h per yer, in Lyon 1 University and in INSA de Lyon (Licence and Master, "master of neurosciences", "master of cancerology", "master of drug development"), teaching in mathematics and statistics for medical students and modeling for INSA students (electrophysiological models, epidemiological models, pharmacocinetic models)

  Vincent Calvez teaches 64h per year, L3, M2 (mathematics, complex systems) at ENS de Lyon

  Paul Vigneaux has his Associate Professor's teaching service (192 hours each year in 2010, 2011, 2012) at ENS de LYON. A few hours are done at L3 level and the majority of the service is done at 'Agregation' Training (M2 level): Numerical/Analysis, Partial Differential, Scientific Computing and Modelling. Excellent results are obtained by his students at the National Competition “Agregation de Mathematiques” (Several 20/20 and one first total rank (over 300 competitors) in 2012).

  In 2013, Paul Vigneaux only teaches 64 hours thanks to an Inria “delegation”. The same year, he was an invited lecturer at the well established CNRS thematic school on “Computational Fluid Mechanics” (13th edition, each 2 years). This school is intended for Tenure-Track Researchers' as well as PhD students' training. He was also invited to give a 12 hours Doctoral lecture in the framework of the PhD program of the Institute of Mathematics of Seville, Spain (with Excellence Label from the Ministry of Education). He is also teaching at the M2-Recherche level at ENS de Lyon, a core lecture of the Mathematical Doctoral Program training of Lyon.

  Emmanuel Grenier is professor. He teaches 192h per year, at L3, M1, M2, Agrégation level (modeling, pde, analysis, ...). He was responsible of third year students of mathematics at ENS Lyon. He is now responsible for first year master students. He is a former associate professor at Ecole Polytechnique (till 2010).


  • HdR: Benjamin Ribba, Université de Grenoble, 2013.