Major publications by the team in recent years
1J. Cagnol, M. Polis, J. P. Zolésio (editors)
Shape optimization and optimal design, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 2001, vol. 216, ii+442 p. -
2L. Almeida, P. Bagnerini, A. Habbal, S. Noselli, F. Serman.
A mathematical model for dorsal closure, in: Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2011, vol. 268, no 1, pp. 105 - 119. -
3B. Andreianov, P. Goatin, N. Seguin.
Finite volume schemes for locally constrained conservation laws, in: Numer. Math., 2010, vol. 115, no 4, pp. 609–645, With supplementary material available online. -
4É. Baratchart.
Simulation Numérique en Aérodynamique et Optimisation bi-Objectif par Algorithme de Nash, Août 2011, Rapport de stage d'application, ENSEIRB MATMÉCA, Bordeaux. -
5R. M. Colombo, P. Goatin.
A well posed conservation law with a variable unilateral constraint, in: J. Differential Equations, 2007, vol. 234, no 2, pp. 654–675. -
6M. Delfour, J. P. Zolésio.
Shapes and geometries, Advances in Design and Control, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, PA, 2001, xviii+482 p. -
7R. Duvigneau, D. Pelletier.
A sensitivity equation method for fast evaluation of nearby flows and uncertainty analysis for shape parameters, in: Int. J. of Computational Fluid Dynamics, August 2006, vol. 20, no 7, pp. 497–512. -
8R. Duvigneau, M. Visonneau.
Hybrid genetic algorithms and artificial neural networks for complex design optimization in CFD, in: Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Fluids, April 2004, vol. 44, no 11, pp. 1257-1278. -
9R. Duvigneau, M. Visonneau.
Optimization of a synthetic jet actuator for aerodynamic stall control, in: Computers and Fluids, July 2006, vol. 35, pp. 624–638. -
10R. Dziri, J. P. Zolésio.
Tube Derivative and Shape-Newton Method, Inria, December 2002, no 4676. -
11J.-A. Désidéri.
Split of Territories in Concurrent Optimization, Inria, October 2007, no 6108, 32 p. -
12J.-A. Désidéri.
Hierarchical Shape Optimization : Cooperation and Competition in Multidisciplinary Approaches, in: 24th IFIP TC 7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, Buenos Aires (Argentina), 27-31 July 2009, 2009, Invited Plenary Lecture. -
13J.-A. Désidéri.
Modèles discrets et schémas itératifs. Application aux algorithmes multigrilles et multidomaines, Editions Hermès, Paris, 1998. -
14J.-A. Désidéri.
Multiple-Gradient Descent Algorithm (MGDA), Inria, June 2009, no RR-6953, 17 p. -
15J.-A. Désidéri.
Cooperation and Competition in Multidisciplinary Optimization : Application to the aero-structural aircraft wing shape optimization, in: Computational Optimization and Applications, 2011. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10589-011-9395-1 ] -
16J.-A. Désidéri.
Multiple-gradient descent algorithm (MGDA) for multiobjective optimization Algorithme de descente à gradients multiples pour l'optimisation multiobjectif, in: Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, March 2012, vol. Tome 350, no Fascicule 5-6, pp. 313-318, Le texte inclut une version abrégée en français. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.crma.2012.03.014 ] -
17P. Goatin.
The Aw-Rascle vehicular traffic flow model with phase transitions, in: Math. Comput. Modelling, 2006, vol. 44, no 3-4, pp. 287–303. -
18P. Goatin, P. G. LeFloch.
The Riemann problem for a class of resonant hyperbolic systems of balance laws, in: Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire, 2004, vol. 21, no 6, pp. 881–902. -
19A. Habbal.
A Topology Nash Game for Tumoral Anti-Angiogenesis, in: Journal of Structural Multidisciplinary Optimization, November 2005, vol. 30, no 5, pp. 404-412. -
20A. Habbal, M. Thellner, J. Petersson.
Multidisciplinary topology optimization solved as a Nash game, in: Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng, 2004, vol. Volume 61, Issue 7, pp. 949-963. -
21B. Kawohl, O. Pironneau, L. Tartar, J. P. Zolésio.
Optimal shape design, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000, vol. 1740, x+388 p, Lectures given at the Joint C.I.M./C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Tróia, June 1–6, 1998, Edited by A. Cellina and A. Ornelas, Fondazione C.I.M.E.. [C.I.M.E. Foundation]. -
22N. Marco, S. Lanteri, J.-A. Désidéri, B. Mantel, J. Périaux.
A parallelized Genetic Algorithm for a 2-D shape optimum design problem, in: Surveys on Mathematics for Industry, 2000, vol. 9, pp. 207-221. -
23A. Minelli, I. Salah El Din, G. Carrier.
Advanced Optimization Approach for Supersonic Low-Boom Design, in: 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), Coorado Springs, États-Unis, AIAA, June 2012. -
24T. Nguyen, J.-A. Désidéri, J. Périaux.
Distributed Workflows for Multi-physics Applications in Aeronautics, in: Computer Supported Collaborative Work in Design, Xian, Chine, IEEE, 2008. -
25T. Nguyen, V. Selmin.
Collaborative Multidisciplinary Design in Virtual Environments, in: Computer Supported Collaborative Work in Design, Nanjing, Chine, Nanjing University, 2006. -
26T. Nguyen, L. Trifan, J.-A. Désidéri.
A Distributed Workflow Platform for Simulation, in: The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences, Florence, Italie, IARIA, October 2010. -
27T. Nguyen, L. Trifan, J.-A. Désidéri.
Resilient Workflows for High-Performance Simulation Platforms, in: The 2010 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2010), Caen, France, June 2010. -
28T. Nguyen, L. Trifan, J.-A. Désidéri.
Robust Workflows for Large-Scale Multiphysics Simulation, in: Fifth European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Lisbonne, Portugal, June 2010. -
29J. Peter, M. Nguyen-Dinh, P. Trontin.
Goal oriented mesh adaptation using total derivative of aerodynamic functions with respect to mesh coordinates - With applications to Euler flows, in: Computers & fluids, August 2012, vol. 66, pp. 194-214. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.06.016 ] -
30J. Peter, M. Nguyen-Dinh, P. Trontin.
Goal oriented mesh adaptation using total derivative of aerodynamic functions with respect to mesh coordinates, in: 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Nashville, Tennessee, États-Unis, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), January 2012. -
31J. Peter, P. Trontin, M. Nguyen-Dinh.
Goal oriented mesh adaptation using total derivative of aerodynamic functions with respect to mesh coordinates, in: 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Orlando, Florida, États-Unis, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), January 2011. -
32C. Ramananjaona, M. Lambert, D. Lesselier, J. P. Zolésio.
Shape reconstruction of buried obstacles by controlled evolution of a level set: from a min-max formulation to numerical experimentation, in: Inverse Problems, 2002, vol. 17, no 4, pp. 1087–1111. -
33I. Salah El Din, G. Carrier, R. Grenon, M.-C. Le Pape, A. Minelli.
Overview of Sonic boom CFD prediction methodology in use at ONERA and its application to Supersonic Business Jet configuration design, in: 11th ONERA-DLR Aerospace Symposium, ODAS 2011, Toulouse, France, February 2011. -
34I. Salah El Din, M.-C. Le Pape, A. Minelli, R. Grenon, G. Carrier.
Impact of Multipole Matching Resolution on Supersonic Aircraft Sonic Boom Assessment, in: 4th european conference for aerospace sciences (EUCASS), Saint Petersburg, Russie, Fédération De, July 2011.
Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses
35R. Duvigneau.
Conception optimale en mécanique des fluides numérique : approches hiérarchiques, robustes et isogéométriques, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, October 2013, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches. -
36A. Minelli.
Optimisation de forme aéro-acoustique d'un avion d'affaires supersonique, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, November 2013. -
37L. Trifan.
Résilience dans les Systèmes de Workflow Distribués pour les Applications d'Optimisation Numérique, Université de Grenoble, October 2013. -
38A. Zerbinati.
Algorithme à gradients multiples pour l'optimisation multiobjectif en simulation de haute fidélité : application à l'aérodynamique compressible, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, May 2013.
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
39C. Chalons, P. Goatin, N. Seguin.
General constrained conservation laws. Application to pedestrian flow modeling, in: Networks and Hetereogeous Media, 2013, vol. 8, no 2, pp. 433-463. -
40M. L. Delle Monache, P. Goatin.
A front tracking method for a strongly coupled PDE-ODE system with moving density constraints in traffic flow, in: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, June 2014, vol. 7, no 3. -
41M. L. Delle Monache, J. Reilly, S. Samaranayake, W. Krichene, P. Goatin, A. Bayen.
A PDE-ODE MODEL FOR A JUNCTION WITH RAMP BUFFER, in: SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2014. -
42P. Goatin, M. Mimault.
The wave-front tracking algorithm for Hughes' model of pedestrian motion, in: SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 2013, vol. 35, no 3, pp. B606-B622. -
43A. Habbal, M. Kallel.
Neumann-Dirichlet nash strategies for the solution of elliptic cauchy problems, in: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, October 2013, vol. 51, no 5, pp. 4066-4083. -
44M. Kallel, R. Aboulaich, A. Habbal, M. Moakher.
A Nash-game approach to joint image restoration and segmentation, in: Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2013. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.apm.2013.11.034 ] -
45R. Natalini, M. Ribot, M. Twarogowska.
A well-balanced numerical scheme for a one dimensional quasilinear hyperbolic model of chemotaxis, in: Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 2014, vol. 12, no 1, pp. 13-39. -
46G. Xu, B. Mourrain, R. Duvigneau, A. Galligo.
Analysis-suitable volume parameterization of multi-block computational domain in isogeometric applications, in: Computer-Aided Design, February 2013, vol. 45, no 2, pp. 395-404. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cad.2012.10.022 ] -
47G. Xu, B. Mourrain, R. Duvigneau, A. Galligo.
Constructing analysis-suitable parameterization of computational domain from CAD boundary by variational harmonic method, in: Journal of Computational Physics, November 2013, vol. 252, pp. 275-289. [ DOI : 10.1016/ ] -
48G. Xu, B. Mourrain, R. Duvigneau, A. Galligo.
Optimal analysis-aware parameterization of computational domain in 3D isogeometric analysis, in: Computer-Aided Design, April 2013, vol. 45, no 4. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cad.2011.05.007 ]
Invited Conferences
49A. Habbal, H. Barelli, G. Malandain.
Modeling cell sheet wound closure, in: Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science (AMMCS), Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, Wilfrid Laurier University with AIMS and SIAM, 2013.
International Conferences with Proceedings
50L. Blanchard, E. Berrini, R. Duvigneau, Y. Roux, B. Mourrain, E. Jean.
Bulbous Bow Shape Optimization, in: 5th International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, May 2013. -
51M. L. Delle Monache, P. Goatin.
A strongly coupled PDE-ODE system modeling moving density constraints in traffic flow, in: HYP2012 - 14th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications, Padova, Italy, 2014. -
52M. L. Delle Monache, L. L. Obsu, P. Goatin, S. M. Kassa.
Traffic flow optimization on roundabouts, in: EWGT2013 - 16th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation, Porto, Portugal, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014. -
53J.-A. Désidéri, A. Minelli, E. Roca Leon.
A competitive algorithm for two-objective optimization : Nash game with territory splitting, in: 4th Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium (IPDO-2013), Albi, France, O. Fudym, J.-L. Battaglia, G. Dulikravich, et al. (editors), Ecole des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, June 2013. -
54J.-A. Désidéri, A. Minelli, A. Zerbinati.
A cooperative algorithm for multi-objective optimization: multiple-gradient descent algorithm (MGDA), in: 4th Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium (IPDO-2013), Albi, France, O. Fudym, J.-L. Battaglia, G. Dulikravich, et al. (editors), Ecole des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, June 2013. -
55A. Ginnis, R. Duvigneau, C. Politis, K. Kostas, K. Bellibassakis, T. Gerostathis, P. Kaklis.
A Multi-Objective Optimization Environment for Ship-Hull Design Based on a BEM-Isogeometric Solver, in: 5th International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, May 2013. -
56A. Habbal, A. Benki.
A Radial basis function Metamodel Assisted Nor- mal Boundary Intersection, Nash and Kalai-Smorodinsky equilibria algorithms for Multiobjective Design Optimization, in: The 9th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications, Taipei, Taiwan, 2013. -
57J. Labroquère, R. Duvigneau, E. Guilmineau.
Impact of Turbulence Closures and Numerical Errors for the Optimization of Flow Control Devices, in: 21st AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Diego, United States, June 2013. -
58A. Minelli, I. Salah El Din, G. Carrier, A. Zerbinati, J.-A. Désidéri.
Cooperation and Competition Strategies in Multi-objective Shape Optimization - Application to Low-boom/Low-drag Supersonic Business Jet, in: 43rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, San Diego, California, United States, The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), June 2013. [ DOI : 10.2514/6.2013-2648 ] -
59T. Nguyen, J.-A. Desideri, L. Trifan.
A Fault-Tolerant Approach to Distributed Applications, in: Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'13), Las Vegas, United States, July 2013. -
60F.-Z. Oujebbour, A. Habbal, R. Ellaia.
Optimization of Concurrent Criteria in the Stamping Process, in: 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management IESM2013, Rabat, Morocco, 2013. -
61F.-Z. Oujebbour, A. Habbal, R. Ellaia, Z. Zhao.
Shape Design of a Sheet Contour against Concurrent Criteria, in: The 2013 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics ASEM13, Jeju, Korea, Republic Of, 2013. -
62E. Roca Leon, A. Le Pape, J.-A. Désidéri, D. Alfano, M. Costes.
Concurrent Aerodynamic Optimization of Rotor Blades Using a Nash Game Method, in: AHS 69th Annual Forum, Phoenix, Arizona, United States, American Helicopter Society, May 2013.
Conferences without Proceedings
63R. Ellaia, A. Habbal, E. Pagnacco.
A New Accelerated Multi-objective Particle Swarm Algorithm. Applications to Truss Topology Optimization, in: 10th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Orlando, FL, United States, 2013. -
64A. Habbal, A. Benki, O. Beigneux, G. Mathis.
A case study of multicriteria shape optimization of thin structures, in: 10th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Orlando, FL, United States, 2013. -
65F.-Z. Oujebbour, A. Habbal, R. Ellaia.
Concurrent Optimization of Springback and Failure in Stamping Processes, in: 10th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization WCSMO10, Orlando, FL, United States, 2013.
Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)
66J.-A. Desideri, R. Duvigneau, A. Habbal.
Multi-Objective Design Optimization using Nash Games, in: Computational Intelligence in the Aerospace Sciences, M. Vasile, V. M. Becerra (editors), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), 2014. -
67J.-A. Désidéri, M. Bompard, J. Peter.
Hermitian Interpolation Subject to Uncertainties, in: Numerical Methods for Differential Equations, Optimization, and Technological Problems, S. Repin, T. Tiihonen, T. Tuovinen (editors), Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, Springer Dordrecht, January 2013, vol. 27, pp. 193-218, The book was dedicated to Professor P. Neittaanmaki on His 60th Birthday. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-94-007-5288-7 ] -
68A. Zerbinati, J.-A. Désidéri, R. Duvigneau.
Comparison between two multi objective optimization algorithms : PAES and MGDA. Testing MGDA on Kriging metamodels, in: Numerical Methods for Differential Equations, Optimization, and Technological Problems, S. Repin, T. Tiihonen, T. Tuovinen (editors), Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, Springer Dordrecht, January 2013, vol. 27, pp. 237-252, Book dedicated to Professor P. Neittaanmaki on His 60th Bithday. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-94-007-5288-7 ]
Internal Reports
69A. Cabassi, P. Goatin.
Validation of traffic flow models on processed GPS data, Inria, 2013, no RR-8382, 43 p. -
70R. Duvigneau, J. Labroquère.
Comparison and Assessment of some Synthetic Jet Models, Inria, December 2013, no RR-8409, 40 p. -
71D. Maruyama.
Robust Multi-Objective Optimization in Aerodynamics using MGDA, Inria, December 2013, no RR-8428. -
72L. L. Obsu, M. L. Delle Monache, P. Goatin, S. M. Kasa.
Macroscopic traffic flow optimization on roundabouts, Inria, April 2013, no RR-8291. -
73M. Twarogowska, P. Goatin, R. Duvigneau.
Numerical study of macroscopic pedestrian flow models, Inria, July 2013, no RR-8340.
Other Publications
74N. Aguillon, A. Benki, S. Henrot, C. Steiner, I. Zangré.
Semaine d'Etude Mathématiques et Entreprises 5 : Détection de marques de cylindres sur une ligne sidérurgique, ou comment séparer des sources périodiques dans une image bruitée, 2013. -
75D. Amadori, P. Goatin, M. Rosini.
Existence results for Hughes' model for pedestrian flows, 2013. -
76A. Habbal, H. Barelli, G. Malandain.
Assessing the ability of the 2D Fisher-KPP equation to model cell-sheet wound closure, 2013. -
77M. Hamdaoui, F.-Z. Oujebbour, A. Habbal, P. Breitkopf, P. Villon.
Adaptive kriging surrogates for multi-objective optimization of high strength sheet metal forming problems, 2013. -
78L. L. Obsu, M. L. Delle Monache, P. Goatin, S. M. Kassa.
Traffic flow optimization on roundabouts, January 2014. -
79L. L. Obsu, P. Goatin, S. M. Kassa.
Gradient-based Instantaneous Traffic Flow Optimization on a Roundabout, 2014. -
80J. Reilly, W. Krichene, M. L. Delle Monache, S. Samaranayake, P. Goatin, A. Bayen.
Adjoint-based optimization on a network of discretized scalar conservation law PDEs with applications to coordinated ramp metering, October 2013. -
81M. Twarogowska, P. Goatin, R. Duvigneau.
Macroscopic modeling and simulations of room evacuation, August 2013, 22 p.
82A. R. George, R. Seebass.
Sonic boom minimization, in: Acoustical Society of America, 1972, vol. 51, pp. 686-694. -
83J. F. Wang.
Optimisation Distribuée Multicritère par Algorithmes Génétiques et Théorie des Jeux & Application à la Simulation Numérique de Problèmes d'Hypersustentation en Aérodynamique, Université de Paris 6, 2001.