Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Project "OMD2", Optimisation Multi-Disciplinaire Distribuèe (Distributed Multidisciplinary Optimization)

This project funded by ANR deals with the development of a software platform devoted to Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) in the context of distributed computing.

The notion of optimization platform based on distributed and parallel codes is undertaken with a distributed workflow management system running on a grid infrastructure using the GRID5000 middleware from Inria.

Renault is the coordinator of this project, which involves also EMSE, ENS Cachan, EC Nantes, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, CD-Adapco, Sirehna, Activeon, and Inria project Tao, Oasis and Opale. This contract provides the grant supporting two PhD theses (A. Zerbinati and L. Trifan)

Project "OASIS"

The OASIS project, Optimization of Addendum Surfaces In Stamping, is an R&D consortium (CS, ArcelorMittal, ErDF, Inria, UTC, EURODECISION, ESILV, NECS, DeltaCAD, SCILAB-DIGITEO) of the Pole Systemtic Paris-Region dedicated to develop an optimal design framework (methods-software platforms-applications) for stamping processes. The EPI OPALE/Inria is the leader within the consortium for the Optimization work-package (one of six WP), the role of which is to develop efficient tools well adapted to Pareto front identification of the multicriteria-dependent stamping processes.

The OASIS project yields 2.4 Meuro total financial support (one Ph.D thesis, two post-doctoral positions and 12 months internship for OPALE).

Project "Memoria"

This project is funded by the National Foundation for Aeronautics and Space (FNRAE). The partners are the University of Toulouse Paul-Sabatier and the CERFACS. The objective is to study optimization methods under uncertainty in the context of aerodynamic problems.