Section: Software and Platforms
Visual Emotion Recognition for Health and Well Being.
Participants : Rémi Barraquand, Claudine Combe, James Crowley [correspondant] , Varun Jain, Sergi Pujades-Rocamora, Lukas Rummelhard.
Visual Emotion Recognition
People express and feel emotions with their face. Because the face is the both externally visible and the seat of emotional expression, facial expression of emotion plays a central role in social interaction between humans. Thus visual recognition of emotions from facial expressions is a core enabling technology for any effort to adapt ICT to improve Health and Wellbeing.
Constructing a technology for automatic visual recognition of emotions requires solutions to a number of hard challenges. Emotions are expressed by coordinated temporal activations of 21 different facial muscles assisted by a number of additional muscles. Activations of these muscles are visible through subtle deformations in the surface structure of the face. Unfortunately, this facial structure can be masked by facial markings, makeup, facial hair, glasses and other obstructions. The exact facial geometry, as well as the coordinated expression of muscles is unique to each individual. In additions, these deformations must be observed and measured under a large variety of illumination conditions as well as a variety of observation angles. Thus the visual recognition of emotions from facial expression remains a challenging open problem in computer vision.
Despite the difficulty of this challenge, important progress has been made in the area of automatic recognition of emotions from face expressions. The systematic cataloging of facial muscle groups as facial action units by Ekman [41] has let a number of research groups to develop libraries of techniques for recognizing the elements of the FACS coding system [33] . Unfortunately, experiments with that system have revealed that the system is very sensitive to both illumination and viewing conditions, as well as the difficulty in interpreting the resulting activation levels as emotions. In particular, this approach requires a high-resolution image with a high signal-to-noise ratio obtained under strong ambient illumination. Such restrictions are not compatible with the mobile imaging system used on tablet computers and mobile phones that are the target of this effort.
As an alternative to detecting activation of facial action units by tracking individual face muscles, we propose to measure physiological parameters that underlie emotions with a global approach. Most human emotions can be expressed as trajectories in a three dimensional space whose features are the physiological parameters of Pleasure-Displeasure, Arousal-Passivity and Dominance-Submission. These three physiological parameters can be measured in a variety of manners including on-body accelerometers, prosody, heart-rate, head movement and global face expression.
The PRIMA Group at Inria has developed robust fast algorithms for detection and recognition of human faces suitable for use in embedded visual systems for mobile devices and telephones. The objective of the work described in this report is to employ these techniques to construct a software system for measuring the physiological parameters commonly associated with emotions that can be embedded in mobile computing devices such as cell phones and tablets.
A revised software package has recently been released to our ICTlab partners for face detection, face tracking, gender and age estimation, and orientation estimation, as part of ICTlabs Smart Spaces action line. This software has been declared with the APP "Agence pour la Protection des Programmes" under the Interdeposit Digital number IDDN.FR.001.370003.000.S.P.2007.000.21000.
A software library, named PrimaCV has been designed, debugged and tested, and released to ICTLabs partners for real time image acquisition, robust invariant multi-scale image description, highly optimized face detection, and face tracking. This software has been substantially modified so as to run on an mobile computing device using the Tegra 3 GPU.