Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
EquipEx AmiQual4Home - Ambient Intelligence for Quality of Life
Participants : Stan Borkowski, Sabine Coquillart, Joëlle Coutaz, James Crowley [correspondant] , Alexandre Demeure, Thierry Fraichard, Amaury Nègre, Patrick Reignier, Dominique Vaufreydaz, Nicolas Bonnefond, Rémi Pincent, Mayeul de Werbier d Antigneul, Rémi Barraquand, David Lombard.
Ambient Intelligence, Equipment d'Excellence, Investissement d'Avenir
The AmiQual4Home Innovation Factory is an open research facility for innovation and experimentation with human-centered services based on the use of large-scale deployment of interconnected digital devices capable of perception, action, interaction and communication. The Innovation Factory is composed of a collection of workshops for rapid creation of prototypes, surrounded by a collection of living labs and supported by a industrial innovation and transfer service. Creation of the Innovation Factory has been made possible by a 2.140 Million Euro grant from French National programme "Investissement d'avenir", together with substantial contributions of resources by Grenoble INP, Univ Joseph Fourier, UPMF, CNRS, Schneider Electric and the Commune of Montbonnot. The objective is to provide the academic and industrial communities with an open platform to enable research on design, integration and evaluation of systems and services for smart habitats.
The AmiQual4Home Innovation Factory is a unique combination of three different innovation instruments: (1) Workshops for rapid prototyping of devices that embed perception, action, interaction and communication in ordinary objects based on the MIT FabLab model, (2) Facilities for real-world test and evaluation of devices and services organised as open Living Labs, (3) Resources for assisting students, researchers, entrepreneurs and industrial partners in creating new economic activities. The proposed research facility will enable scientific research on these problems while also enabling design and evaluation of new forms of products and services with local industry.
The core of the AmiQual4Home Innovation Factory is a Creativity Lab composed of a collection of five workshops for the rapid prototyping of devices that integrate perception, action, interaction and communications into ordinary objects. The Creativity Lab is surrounded by a collection of six Living Labs for experimentation and evaluation in real world conditions. The combination of fabrication facilities and living labs will enable students, researchers, engineers, and entrepreneurs to experiment in co-creation and evaluation. The AmiQual4Home Innovation Factory will also include an innovation and transfer service to enable students, researchers and local entrepreneurs to create and grow new commercial activities based on the confluence of digital technologies with ordinary objects. The AmiQual4Home Innovation Factory will also provide an infrastructure for participation in education, innovation and research activities of the European Institute of Technology (EIT) KIC ICTLabs.
The AmiQual4Home Innovation Factory will enable a unique new form of coordinated ICT-SHS research that is not currently possible in France, by bringing together expertise from ICT and SHS to better understand human and social behaviour and to develop and evaluate novel systems and services for societal challenges. The confrontation of solutions from these different disciplines in a set of application domains (energy, comfort, cost of living, mobility, well-being) is expected to lead to the emergence of a common, generic foundation for Ambient Intelligence that can then be applied to other domains and locations. The initial multidisciplinary consortium will progressively develop interdisciplinary expertise with new concepts, theories, tools and methods for Ambient Intelligence.
The potential impact of such a technology, commonly referred to as "Ambient Intelligence", has been documented by the working groups of the French Ministry of Research (MESR) [35] as well as the SNRI (Stratégie Nationale de la Recherche et de l'Innovation).
In 2013 our efforts were focused on specifying the requirements for major components of the project, and on finalising contractual issues with ANR. We defined the layout and arrangement of the Creativity Lab workshops, we started the specification of the instrumentation needed for the Living Labs, and developed a first version of a set of easy-deployable wireless sensors for infield data acquisition, that we call the Rapid Deployment Minikit. A set of CNC machines was purchased, including a Fused Filament Fabrication 3D printer, a CO2 Laser cutter and engraver, and a CNC mill.
Following the kickoff meeting of the project held in October 2013, we received positive feedback and interest form local industry and research institutions, and several national project proposals submitted in 2013 identified AmiQual4Home as an important ressource.
Participants : Claudine Combe, Lucas Nacsa, Maxime Portaz, Amaury Nègre, Dominique Vaufreydaz [correspondant] .
Pramad is a collaborative project about Plateforme Robotique dÁssistance et de Maintien à Domicile. There are seven partners:
R&D/industry: Orange Labs (project leader) and Covéa Tech (insurance company),
Small companies: Interaction games (game designer, note that Wizardbox, the original partner was bought by Interaction games) and Robosoft (robot).
Academic labs: Inria/PRIMA, ISIR (Paris VI) and Hôpital Broca (Paris).
The objectives of this project are to design and evaluate robot companion technologies to maintain frail people at home. Working with its partners, PRIMA research topics are:
Inria Project-Teams PAL
Participants : Rémi Barraquand, Thierry Fraichard, Patrick Reignier, Amaury Nègre, Dominique Vaufreydaz [correspondant] .
The 12 Inria Project-Teams (IPT) participating in a Large-scale initiative action Personally Assisted Living (PAL ) propose to work together to develop technologies and services to improve the autonomy and quality of life for elderly and fragile persons. The goal of this program is to unite these groups around an experimental infrastructure, designed to enable collaborative experimentations.
PAL is organized arround 12 IPT:
Demar, E-Motion, Flowers, Hephaistos, Lagadic, Lagadic-Sophia, Maia, Madynes, Phoenix, Prima, Stars and Reves.
The role of PRIMA within this project is to develop new algorithms mainly along two research axes: