Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Crazy Stone won the 6th edition of the UEC Cup (the most important international computer-Go tournament). It also won the first edition of the Denseisen, by winning a 4-stone handicap game against 9-dan professional player Yoshio Ishida.
Alexandra Carpentier obtained an AFIA ex-aequo accessit for her PhD, (french machine learning/artificial intelligence second price).
Tutorial by Rémi Munos at AAAI 2013: From Bandits to Monte Carlo Tree Search: The optimistic principle applied to Optimization and Planning.
Conferences, Workshops and Schools
Philippe Preux and Marc Tommasi were the main organizers of the Conférence sur l'Apprentissage Automatique (CAP'13).
Rémi Munos was the main organizer of the 8 Journées Francophones sur la Planification, la Décision et l'Apprentissage (JFPDA'13) along with Marta Soare, Raphael Fonteneau, Michal Valko and Alessandro Lazaric.
Rémi Munos was co-chair of the Algorithmic Learning Conference, in Singapore, 2013.
Invited Talks
Daniil Ryabko gave a talk entitled “Time-series information and unsupervised representation learning” at SMILE seminar in Paris
Michal Valko gave an talk “Sequential Face Recognition with Minimal Feedback” which was opening talk of the series named 30 minutes of Science, a new format at Inria Lille to support intra-center collaboration.
Rémi Munos gave a course (6 hours) at the Summer School Netadis in Hillerod, Denmark in September 2013.
Rémi Munos was invited to give a talk at CMU in November 2013.
Alessandro Lazaric was invited to give a talk at CMU in March 2013.
Pierre Chainais gave a talk "Learning a common dictionary over a sensor network" at GDR Phénix - ISIS workshop about "Analysis and inference for networks" in Paris in november 2013.
Pierre Chainais gave a tutorial talk on "Multifractal analysis of images and applicaitons" at the "Groupe Image of the company TOTAL in Paris La Défense on sept. 11th, 2013.
Jérémie Mary gave a invited talk "Recommendation system from a bandit perspective" at GDR "Estimation et traitement statistique en grande dimension" on May 16th, 2013 - Télécom Paristech.
Jérémie Mary gave an invited talk "Bandit point of view on recommenders" at Large-scale Online Learning and Decision Making Workshop Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, UK in September, 2013.
Jeremie Mary gave an invited talk on recommender systems at "Journées rencontres AFIA/IHM" in may 2013.
Review Activities
Participation to the program committee of international conferences
International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2013)
Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2013)
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2013)
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2013 and 2014)
International Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2013)
French Conference on Planning, Decision-making, and Learning in Control Systems (JFPDA 2013)
IEEE Approximate Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning (ADPRL 2013)
International journal and conference reviewing activities (in addition to the conferences in which we belong to the PC)
10th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA 2013)
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2013 & 2014)
Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2013)
Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (JAAMAS)
Evaluation activities, expertise
M. Ghavamzadeh is in the Editorial Board Member of Machine Learning Journal (MLJ, 2011-present).
M. Ghavamzadeh is in the Steering Committee Member of the European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL, 2011-present).
P. Preux, R. Gaudel and J. Mary are experts for Crédit Impôt Recherche (CIR).
R. Munos is a Member of the Belgium Commission Evaluation F.R.S-FNRS, 2013.
Other Scientific Activities
R. Munos was Vice Président du Comité des Projets at Inria Lille-Nord Europe, until July 2013.
E. Duflos is Director of Research of Ecole Centrale de Lille since September 2011.
E. Duflos is the Head of the Signal and Image Team of LAGIS (UMR CNRS 8219).
R. Gaudel manages the proml mailing list. This mailing list gathers French-speaking researchers from Machine Learning community.
P. Chainais is a member of the administration council of GRETSI, the French association of researchers in signal and image processing.
P. Chainais is co-responsible for the action "Machine Learning" of the GDR ISIS which gathers french researchers in signal and image processing at the national level.