Section: New Results



A confidence-set approach to signal denoising [7]

The problem of filtering of finite-alphabet stationary ergodic time series is considered. A method for constructing a confidence set for the (unknown) signal is proposed, such that the resulting set has the following properties. First, it includes the unknown signal with probability γ, where γ is a parameter supplied to the filter. Second, the size of the confidence sets grows exponentially with a rate that is asymptotically equal to the conditional entropy of the signal given the data. Moreover, it is shown that this rate is optimal. We also show that the described construction of the confidence set can be applied to the case where the signal is corrupted by an erasure channel with unknown statistics.

Quantification adaptative pour la stéganalyse d'images texturées [28]

Nous cherchons à améliorer les performances d'un schéma de stéganalyse (i.e. la détection de messages cachées) pour des images texturées. Le schéma de stéganographie étudié consiste à modifier certains pixels de l'image par une perturbation +/-1, et le schéma de stéganalyse utilise les caractéristiques construites à partir de la probabilité conditionnelle empirique de différences de 4 pixels voisins. Dans sa version originale, la stéganalyse n'est pas trés efficace sur des images texturées et ce travail vise à†explorer plusieurs techniques de quantification en utilisant d'abord un pas de quantification plus important puis une quantification adaptative scalaire ou vectorielle. Les cellules de la quantification adaptative sont générées en utilisant un K-means ou un K-means ”équilibré” de manière à ce chaque cellule quantifie approximativement le même nombre d'échantillon. Nous obtenons un gain maximal de classification de 3% pour un pas de quantification uniforme de 3. En utilisant l'algorithme K-means équilibré sur [-18,18], le gain par rapport à la version de base est de 4.7%.

Cost-sensitive Multiclass Classification Risk Bounds [8]

A commonly used approach to multiclass classification is to replace the 0-1 loss with a convex surrogate so as to make empirical risk minimization computationally tractable. Previous work has uncovered sufficient and necessary conditions for the consistency of the resulting procedures. In this paper, we strengthen these results by showing how the 0-1 excess loss of a predictor can be upper bounded as a function of the excess loss of the predictor measured using the convex surrogate. The bound is developed for the case of cost-sensitive multiclass classification and a convex surrogate loss that goes back to the work of Lee, Lin and Wahba. The bounds are as easy to calculate as in binary classification. Furthermore, we also show that our analysis extends to the analysis of the recently introduced "Simplex Coding" scheme.

Approximate Dynamic Programming Finally Performs Well in the Game of Tetris [12]

Tetris is a video game that has been widely used as a benchmark for various optimization techniques including approximate dynamic programming (ADP) algorithms. A look at the literature of this game shows that while ADP algorithms that have been (almost) entirely based on approximating the value function (value function based) have performed poorly in Tetris, the methods that search directly in the space of policies by learning the policy parameters using an optimization black box, such as the cross entropy (CE) method, have achieved the best reported results. This makes us conjecture that Tetris is a game in which good policies are easier to represent, and thus, learn than their corresponding value functions. So, in order to obtain a good performance with ADP, we should use ADP algorithms that search in a policy space, instead of the more traditional ones that search in a value function space. In this paper, we put our conjecture to test by applying such an ADP algorithm, called classification-based modified policy iteration (CBMPI), to the game of Tetris. Our experimental results show that for the first time an ADP algorithm, namely CBMPI, obtains the best results reported in the literature for Tetris in both small 10×10 and large 10×20 boards. Although the CBMPI's results are similar to those of the CE method in the large board, CBMPI uses considerably fewer (almost 1/6) samples (calls to the generative model) than CE.

A Generalized Kernel Approach to Structured Output Learning [15]

We study the problem of structured output learning from a regression perspective. We first provide a general formulation of the kernel dependency estimation (KDE) problem using operator-valued kernels. We show that some of the existing formulations of this problem are special cases of our framework. We then propose a covariance-based operator-valued kernel that allows us to take into account the structure of the kernel feature space. This kernel operates on the output space and encodes the interactions between the outputs without any reference to the input space. To address this issue, we introduce a variant of our KDE method based on the conditional covariance operator that in addition to the correlation between the outputs takes into account the effects of the input variables. Finally, we evaluate the performance of our KDE approach using both covariance and conditional covariance kernels on two structured output problems, and compare it to the state-of-the-art kernel-based structured output regression methods.

Gossip-based distributed stochastic bandit algorithms [24]

The multi-armed bandit problem has attracted remarkable attention in the machine learning community and many efficient algorithms have been proposed to handle the so-called exploitation-exploration dilemma in various bandit setups. At the same time, significantly less effort has been devoted to adapting bandit algorithms to particular architectures, such as sensor networks, multi-core machines, or peer-to-peer (P2P) environments, which could potentially speed up their convergence. Our goal is to adapt stochastic bandit algorithms to P2P networks. In our setup, the same set of arms is available in each peer. In every iteration each peer can pull one arm independently of the other peers, and then some limited communication is possible with a few random other peers. As our main result, we show that our adaptation achieves a linear speedup in terms of the number of peers participating in the network. More precisely, we show that the probability of playing a suboptimal arm at a peer in iteration t=Ω(logN) is proportional to 1/(Nt) where N denotes the number of peers. The theoretical results are supported by simulation experiments showing that our algorithm scales gracefully with the size of network.

Sur quelques problèmes non-supervisés impliquant des séries temporelles hautement dèpendantes [1]

Cette thèse est consacrée à l'analyse théorique de problèmes non supervisés impliquant des séries temporelles hautement dépendantes. Plus particulièrement, nous abordons les deux problèmes fondamentaux que sont le problème d'estimation des points de rupture et le partitionnement de séries temporelles. Ces problèmes sont abordés dans un cadre extrêmement général oùles données sont générées par des processus stochastiques ergodiques stationnaires. Il s'agit de l'une des hypothèses les plus faibles en statistiques, comprenant non seulement, les hypothèses de modèles et les hypothèses paramétriques habituelles dans la littérature scientifique, mais aussi des hypothèses classiques d'indépendance, de contraintes sur l'espace mémoire ou encore des hypothèses de mélange. En particulier, aucune restriction n'est faite sur la forme ou la nature des dépendances, de telles sortes que les échantillons peuvent être arbitrairement dépendants. Pour chaque problème abordé, nous proposons de nouvelles méthodes non paramétriques et nous prouvons de plus qu'elles sont, dans ce cadre, asymptotiquement consistantes. Pour l'estimation de points de rupture, la consistance asymptotique se rapporte à la capacité de l'algorithme à produire des estimations des points de rupture qui sont asymptotiquement arbitrairement proches des vrais points de rupture. D'autre part, un algorithme de partitionnement est asymptotiquement consistant si le partitionnement qu'il produit, restreint à chaque lot de séquences, coïncides, à partir d'un certain temps et de manière consistante, avec le partitionnement cible. Nous montrons que les algorithmes proposés sont implémentables efficacement, et nous accompagnons nos résultats théoriques par des évaluations expérimentales. L'analyse statistique dans le cadre stationnaire ergodique est extrêmement difficile. De manière générale, il est prouvé que les vitesses de convergence sont impossibles à obtenir. Dès lors, pour deux échantillons générés indépendamment par des processus ergodiques stationnaires, il est prouvé qu'il est impossible de distinguer le cas où les échantillons sont générés par le même processus de celui où ils sont générés par des processus différents. Ceci implique que des problèmes tels le partitionnement de séries temporelles sans la connaissance du nombre de partitions ou du nombre de points de rupture ne peut admettre de solutions consistantes. En conséquence, une tâche difficile est de découvrir les formulations du problème qui en permettent une résolution dans ce cadre général. La principale contribution de cette thèse est de démontrer (par construction) que malgré ces résultats d'impossibilités théoriques, des formulations naturelles des problèmes considérés existent et admettent des solutions consistantes dans ce cadre général. Ceci inclut la démonstration du fait que le nombre de points de rupture corrects peut être trouvé, sans recourir à des hypothèses plus fortes sur les processus stochastiques. Il en résulte que, dans cette formulation, le problème des points de rupture peut être réduit à du partitionnement de séries temporelles. Les résultats présentés dans ce travail formulent les fondations théoriques pour l'analyse des données séquentielles dans un espace d'applications bien plus large.

Actor-Critic Algorithms for Risk-Sensitive MDPs [32]

In many sequential decision-making problems we may want to manage risk by minimizing some measure of variability in rewards in addition to maximizing a standard criterion. Variance-related risk measures are among the most common risk-sensitive criteria in finance and operations research. However, optimizing many such criteria is known to be a hard problem. In this paper, we consider both discounted and average reward Markov decision processes. For each formulation, we first define a measure of variability for a policy, which in turn gives us a set of risk-sensitive criteria to optimize. For each of these criteria, we derive a formula for computing its gradient. We then devise actor-critic algorithms for estimating the gradient and updating the policy parameters in the ascent direction. We establish the convergence of our algorithms to locally risk-sensitive optimal policies. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of our algorithms in a traffic signal control application.

Bayesian Policy Gradient and Actor-Critic Algorithms [31]

Policy gradient methods are reinforcement learning algorithms that adapt a parameterized policy by following a performance gradient estimate. Many conventional policy gradient methods use Monte-Carlo techniques to estimate this gradient. The policy is improved by adjusting the parameters in the direction of the gradient estimate. Since Monte-Carlo methods tend to have high variance, a large number of samples is required to attain accurate estimates, resulting in slow convergence. In this paper, we first propose a Bayesian framework for policy gradient, based on modeling the policy gradient as a Gaussian process. This reduces the number of samples needed to obtain accurate gradient estimates. Moreover, estimates of the natural gradient as well as a measure of the uncertainty in the gradient estimates, namely, the gradient covariance, are provided at little extra cost. Since the proposed Bayesian framework considers system trajectories as its basic observable unit, it does not require the dynamic within each trajectory to be of any special form, and thus, can be easily extended to partially observable problems. On the downside, it cannot take advantage of the Markov property when the system is Markovian. To address this issue, we then extend our Bayesian policy gradient framework to actor-critic algorithms and present a new actor-critic learning model in which a Bayesian class of non-parametric critics, based on Gaussian process temporal difference learning, is used. Such critics model the action-value function as a Gaussian process, allowing Bayes' rule to be used in computing the posterior distribution over action-value functions, conditioned on the observed data. Appropriate choices of the policy parameterization and of the prior covariance (kernel) between action-values allow us to obtain closed-form expressions for the posterior distribution of the gradient of the expected return with respect to the policy parameters. We perform detailed experimental comparisons of the proposed Bayesian policy gradient and actor-critic algorithms with classic Monte-Carlo based policy gradient methods, as well as with each other, on a number of reinforcement learning problems.