Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7
MODRIO: Model Driven Physical Systems Operation. This ITEA 2 (Information Technology for European Advancement) project is joined by partners from Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy and Sweden. See the complete list on the MODRIO page of the ITEA 2 call 6 website. The involved Inria project-teams are PARKAS, S4 and SISYPHE. It is coordinated by EDF, France.
To meet the evermore stringent safety and environmental regulations for power plants and transportation vehicles, system operators need new techniques to improve system diagnosis and operation. Open standards are necessary for different teams to cooperate by sharing compatible information and data. The objective of the MODRIO project is to extend modeling and simulation tools based on open standards from system design to system diagnosis and operation.
ERNSI : European Research Network System Identification. The SISYPHE project-team is involved in the activities of the European Research Network on System Identification (ERNSI) federating major European research teams on system identification. See the website of ERNSI . Funded as a SCIENCE project (1992 - 1995), HCM Project (1993-1996), TMR Project (1998 - 2003), this network, currently coordinated by Bo Wahlberg, Automatic Control, KTH, Stockholm, is still very active.
Partners: KTH (Sweden), Inria (France), TUD (Technische Universität Darmstadt), TUW (Vienna University of Technology), UCAM-DENG (University of Cambridge), ELEC (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), ULIN (Sweden), UNIPD (Italy).