Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Project title: AutoMatic BiOmetric Verification and PersonnEl Tracking for SeaMless Airport ArEas Security MaNagemenT
Other partners: SAGEM (FR), Inria Sophia-Antipolis (FR), EGIDIUM (FR), EVITECH (FR) and CERAPS (FR)
Abstract: MOVEMENT is focusing on the management of security zones in the non public airport areas. These areas, with a restricted access, are dedicated to service activities such as maintenance, aircraft ground handling, airfreight activities, etc. In these areas, personnel movements tracking and traceability have to be improved in order to facilitate their passage through the different areas, while insuring a high level of security to prevent any unauthorized access. Movement aims at proposing a new concept for the airport's non public security zones (e.g.customs control rooms or luggage loading/unloading areas) management along with the development of an innovative supervision system prototype.
Project title: Safe & Easy Environment for Alzheimer Disease and related disorders
Other partners: Nice Hospital(FR), Nice University (CobTeck FR), Inria Sophia-Antipolis (FR), Aromatherapeutics (FR), SolarGames(FR), Taichung Veterans General Hospital TVGH (TW), NCKU Hospital(TW), SMILE Lab at National Cheng Kung University NCKU (TW), BDE (TW)
Abstract: SafEE project aims at investigating technologies for stimulation and intervention for Alzheimer patients. More precisely, the main goals are: (1)to focus on specific clinical targets in three domains behavior, motricity and cognition (2) to merge assessment and non pharmacological help/intervention and (3) to propose easy ICT device solutions for the end users. In this project, experimental studies will be conducted both in France (at Hospital and Nursery Home) and in Taiwan.
Investment of future
Project title: un outil d'aide au diagnostic médical sur l'évolution de la maladie d'Alzheimer et les pathologies assimilées.
Other partners: IDATE (FR), Inria(Stars), CMRR (CHU Nice) and CobTek( Nice University).
See also:
Abstract: This French project aims at providing evidence concerning the interest of serious games to design non pharmacological approaches to prevent dementia patients from behavioural disturbances, most particularly for the stimulation of apathy.
Large Scale Inria Initiative
Other partners: AROBAS, DEMAR, E-MOTION, STARS, PRIMA, MAIA, TRIO, and LAGADIC Inria teams
See also:
Abstract: The objective of this project is to create a research infrastructure that will enable experiments with technologies for improving the quality of life for persons who have suffered a loss of autonomy through age, illness or accident. In particular, the project seeks to enable development of technologies that can provide services for elderly and fragile persons, as well as their immediate family, caregivers and social groups.
Other collaborations
G. Charpiat works with Yann Ollivier and Jamal Atif (TAO team) as well as Rémi Peyre (École des Mines de Nancy / Institut Élie Cartan) on the topic of image compression.
G. Charpiat works with Giacomo Nardi, Gabriel Peyré and François-Xavier Vialard (Ceremade, Paris-Dauphine University) on the generalization of gradient flows to non-standard metrics.