Section: Application Domains
Video Analytics
Our experience in video analytics [7] , [1] , [9] (also referred to as visual surveillance) is a strong basis which ensures both a precise view of the research topics to develop and a network of industrial partners ranging from end-users, integrators and software editors to provide data, objectives, evaluation and funding.
For instance, the Keeneo start-up was created in July 2005 for the industrialization and exploitation of Orion and Pulsar results in video analytics (VSIP library, which was a previous version of SUP). Keeneo has been bought by Digital Barriers in August 2011 and is now independent from Inria. However, Stars continues to maintain a close cooperation with Keeneo for impact analysis of SUP and for exploitation of new results.
Moreover new challenges are arising from the visual surveillance community. For instance, people detection and tracking in a crowded environment are still open issues despite the high competition on these topics. Also detecting abnormal activities may require to discover rare events from very large video data bases often characterized by noise or incomplete data.