Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • L1 (IUT Orsay, Univ. Paris-Sud), Computer Science, Jamal Atif, approx. 192h since 2010.

  • L1-3 (Ecole Centrale Paris), Stochastic Optimization, Anne Auger, 20h since 2011.

  • L1 (IUT Sceaux, Univ. Paris-Sud), Computer science for Managers, Philippe Caillou, approx. 192h since 2011.

  • L2, L3 (Polytech, Univ. Paris-Sud), Computer Architecture, Cécile Germain-Renaud, head of Licence, approx. 120h since 2009.

  • L2 Univ Paris-Sud, Vie Artificielle, Michèle Sebag, 10h in 2013.

  • L3 (ENS-Cachan), Introduction to Machine Learning, Michèle Sebag, approx. 24h since 2011.

  • M1 Computer Science (U. Paris-Sud), Parallelisme, Cécile Germain-Renaud, approx. 50h since 2009.

  • M1 Computer Science MPRI, Machine Learning, Michèle Sebag, 25h since 2013.

  • Master 2 Recherche (U. Paris-sud), Optimisation, Anne Auger, 12h since 2011.

  • Master 2 Recherche (U. Paris-Sud), Machine Learning, Michèle Sebag, 24h since 2011.

  • Master 2 Recherche (U. Paris-Sud), Evolutionary Robotics, MichèSebag, 15h since 2013.

  • Master 2 Recherche (U. Paris-Sud), Multi-Agents Systems, Philippe Caillou, 27h since 2011.

  • Master 2 Recherche Paris-Dauphine, Multi-Agent Based Simulation, Philippe Caillou, 3h since 2011.


  • HdR: Jamal Atif, Quelques contributions à l'interprétation d'images, à l'apprentissage statistique et à la cartographie cérébrale, Université Paris-Sud, 31/10/2013

  • PhD: Ludovic Arnold, Learning Deep Representations: toward a new understanding of the deep learning paradigm, 25/06/2013, Hélène Pagam-Moisy et Philippe Tarroux [1]

  • PhD: Jean-Baptiste Hoock, Contributions to Simulation-based High-dimensional Sequential Decision Making, 10/4/2013, Olivier Teytaud [3]

  • PhD: Ilya Loshchilov, Surrogate-Assisted Evolutionary Algorithms, 6/1/2013 [4]

  • PhD: Jean-Marc Montanier, Environment-driven Distributed Evolutionary Adaptation for Collective Robotic Systems, 1/3/2013, Nicolas Bredèche [6]

  • PhD: Victorin Martin, Modélisation Probabiliste et Inférence par l'Algorithme Belief Propagation, 23/5/2013, Cyril Furtlehner and Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [5]

  • PhD: Adrien Couétoux, Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) for Continuous and Stochastic Sequential Decision Making Problems, 30/9/2013, Olivier Teytaud [2]

  • PhD in progress: Ouasssim Ait Elhara, Stochastic Black-Box Optimization and Benchmarking in Large Dimension, 1/10/2012, Anne Auger and Nikolaus Hansen

  • PhD in progress: Riad Akrour, Preference Based Reinforcement Learning, 1/11/2010, Marc Schoenauer and Michèle Sebag

  • Sandra Cecilia Astete Morales, Random Processes for Optimization with Risk, 1/9/2013, Olivier Teytaud

  • PhD in progress: Asma Atamna, Analysis, Improvement and Benchmarking of Constraint Handling for Stochastic Blackbox Continuous Optimization, 1/11/2013, Anne Auger and Nikolaus Hansen

  • PhD in progress: Jérémy Bensadon, Information theory for learning and optimization, 1/10/2012, Yann Ollivier

  • PhD in progress: Vincent Berthier, Unsupervised Learning and Brain Wave Data, 1/10/2013, Jamal Atif and Michèle Sebag

  • PhD in progress: Marie-Liesse Cauwet, Noisy Optimization for Artificial Intelligence, 1/9/2013, Olivier Teytaud

  • PhD in progress: Alexandre Chotard, Enhancement and Analysis of Evolution Strategies, 01.10.2011, Anne Auger and Nikolaus Hansen

  • PhD in progress: Jérémie Decock, Large Scale Constrained Direct Policy Search and Applications to Power Systems, 3/10/2011, Olivier Teytaud

  • PhD in progress: Dawei Feng, Détection et diagnostic d'anomalies dans les systèmes répartis à grande échelle, 1/10/2010, Germain-Renaud

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Galichet, Risk-Aware Reinforcement Learning, 1/10/2011, Michl̀e Sebag

  • PhD in progress: Yoann Isaac, Une approche non-supervisée pour la passage à l'échelle des interfaces cerveau-machine, 1/10/2011, Jamal Atif and Michl̀e Sebag

  • PhD in progress: Jialin Liu, Portfolios of Noisy Optimization Algorithms, 14/03/2013, Marc Schoenauer and Olivier Teytaud

  • PhD in progress: Gaetan Marceau Caron, Global Multi-objective Optimization in Air Traffic Control, 14/12/2010, Marc Schoenauer

  • PhD in progress: Weija Wang, Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning, 1/10/2010, Michèle Sebag

  • PhD in progress: Yifan Yang, Jamal, 1/9/2013, Jamal Atif

  • PhD in progress: Guohua Zhang, Curiosity-Driven Navigation in Evolutionary Robotics, 1/9/2011, Michèle Sebag


  • Marc Schoenauer, reviewer for Pawan Kumar Mudigonda's HDR, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Nov. 2013

  • Marc Schoenauer, external reviewer for Martin Pilat's PhD, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2013 ; external reviewer for Tianjun Liao's PhD, Ecole Polytechnique de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgian, June 2013; jury member for Una Blenic's PhD at Université d'Angers, France, April 2013; external jury member for José Manuel Garcia-Nieto's PhD, University of Malaga, Spain, January 2013.

  • Michèle Sebag, reviewer for Yuan Yang, Telecom ParisTech, June 2013; Emilie Morvant, Université Aix Marseille, June 2013; Floarea Serban, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 2013; Darko Cerepnalkoski, Josef Stefan Institute, Slovenia, Sept. 2013.

  • Marc Schoenauer, reviewer for Irish Science Foundation, Project Multi-core Attribute Grammatical Evolution at University Limerick, July 2013

  • Michèle Sebag, jury de recrutement CR Inria Lille, April 2013; jury de recrutement TelecomParisTech, June 2013; jury de promotion TelecomParisTech, Oct. 2013.

  • Jamal Atif, Michèle Sebag, Olivier Teytaud, members of juries for MDC and PR hiring at Université Paris-Sud.

  • Michèle Sebag, jury AAP Digiteo, March 2013.