Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
L1 (IUT Orsay, Univ. Paris-Sud), Computer Science, Jamal Atif, approx. 192h since 2010.
L1-3 (Ecole Centrale Paris), Stochastic Optimization, Anne Auger, 20h since 2011.
L1 (IUT Sceaux, Univ. Paris-Sud), Computer science for Managers, Philippe Caillou, approx. 192h since 2011.
L2, L3 (Polytech, Univ. Paris-Sud), Computer Architecture, Cécile Germain-Renaud, head of Licence, approx. 120h since 2009.
L2 Univ Paris-Sud, Vie Artificielle, Michèle Sebag, 10h in 2013.
L3 (ENS-Cachan), Introduction to Machine Learning, Michèle Sebag, approx. 24h since 2011.
M1 Computer Science (U. Paris-Sud), Parallelisme, Cécile Germain-Renaud, approx. 50h since 2009.
M1 Computer Science MPRI, Machine Learning, Michèle Sebag, 25h since 2013.
Master 2 Recherche (U. Paris-sud), Optimisation, Anne Auger, 12h since 2011.
Master 2 Recherche (U. Paris-Sud), Machine Learning, Michèle Sebag, 24h since 2011.
Master 2 Recherche (U. Paris-Sud), Evolutionary Robotics, MichèSebag, 15h since 2013.
Master 2 Recherche (U. Paris-Sud), Multi-Agents Systems, Philippe Caillou, 27h since 2011.
Master 2 Recherche Paris-Dauphine, Multi-Agent Based Simulation, Philippe Caillou, 3h since 2011.
HdR: Jamal Atif, Quelques contributions à l'interprétation d'images, à l'apprentissage statistique et à la cartographie cérébrale, Université Paris-Sud, 31/10/2013
PhD: Ludovic Arnold, Learning Deep Representations: toward a new understanding of the deep learning paradigm, 25/06/2013, Hélène Pagam-Moisy et Philippe Tarroux [1]
PhD: Jean-Baptiste Hoock, Contributions to Simulation-based High-dimensional Sequential Decision Making, 10/4/2013, Olivier Teytaud [3]
PhD: Ilya Loshchilov, Surrogate-Assisted Evolutionary Algorithms, 6/1/2013 [4]
PhD: Jean-Marc Montanier, Environment-driven Distributed Evolutionary Adaptation for Collective Robotic Systems, 1/3/2013, Nicolas Bredèche [6]
PhD: Victorin Martin, Modélisation Probabiliste et Inférence par l'Algorithme Belief Propagation, 23/5/2013, Cyril Furtlehner and Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [5]
PhD: Adrien Couétoux, Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) for Continuous and Stochastic Sequential Decision Making Problems, 30/9/2013, Olivier Teytaud [2]
PhD in progress: Ouasssim Ait Elhara, Stochastic Black-Box Optimization and Benchmarking in Large Dimension, 1/10/2012, Anne Auger and Nikolaus Hansen
PhD in progress: Riad Akrour, Preference Based Reinforcement Learning, 1/11/2010, Marc Schoenauer and Michèle Sebag
Sandra Cecilia Astete Morales, Random Processes for Optimization with Risk, 1/9/2013, Olivier Teytaud
PhD in progress: Asma Atamna, Analysis, Improvement and Benchmarking of Constraint Handling for Stochastic Blackbox Continuous Optimization, 1/11/2013, Anne Auger and Nikolaus Hansen
PhD in progress: Jérémy Bensadon, Information theory for learning and optimization, 1/10/2012, Yann Ollivier
PhD in progress: Vincent Berthier, Unsupervised Learning and Brain Wave Data, 1/10/2013, Jamal Atif and Michèle Sebag
PhD in progress: Marie-Liesse Cauwet, Noisy Optimization for Artificial Intelligence, 1/9/2013, Olivier Teytaud
PhD in progress: Alexandre Chotard, Enhancement and Analysis of Evolution Strategies, 01.10.2011, Anne Auger and Nikolaus Hansen
PhD in progress: Jérémie Decock, Large Scale Constrained Direct Policy Search and Applications to Power Systems, 3/10/2011, Olivier Teytaud
PhD in progress: Dawei Feng, Détection et diagnostic d'anomalies dans les systèmes répartis à grande échelle, 1/10/2010, Germain-Renaud
PhD in progress: Nicolas Galichet, Risk-Aware Reinforcement Learning, 1/10/2011, Michl̀e Sebag
PhD in progress: Yoann Isaac, Une approche non-supervisée pour la passage à l'échelle des interfaces cerveau-machine, 1/10/2011, Jamal Atif and Michl̀e Sebag
PhD in progress: Jialin Liu, Portfolios of Noisy Optimization Algorithms, 14/03/2013, Marc Schoenauer and Olivier Teytaud
PhD in progress: Gaetan Marceau Caron, Global Multi-objective Optimization in Air Traffic Control, 14/12/2010, Marc Schoenauer
PhD in progress: Weija Wang, Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning, 1/10/2010, Michèle Sebag
PhD in progress: Guohua Zhang, Curiosity-Driven Navigation in Evolutionary Robotics, 1/9/2011, Michèle Sebag
Marc Schoenauer, reviewer for Pawan Kumar Mudigonda's HDR, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Nov. 2013
Marc Schoenauer, external reviewer for Martin Pilat's PhD, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2013 ; external reviewer for Tianjun Liao's PhD, Ecole Polytechnique de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgian, June 2013; jury member for Una Blenic's PhD at Université d'Angers, France, April 2013; external jury member for José Manuel Garcia-Nieto's PhD, University of Malaga, Spain, January 2013.
Michèle Sebag, reviewer for Yuan Yang, Telecom ParisTech, June 2013; Emilie Morvant, Université Aix Marseille, June 2013; Floarea Serban, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 2013; Darko Cerepnalkoski, Josef Stefan Institute, Slovenia, Sept. 2013.
Marc Schoenauer, reviewer for Irish Science Foundation, Project Multi-core Attribute Grammatical Evolution at University Limerick, July 2013
Michèle Sebag, jury de recrutement CR Inria Lille, April 2013; jury de recrutement TelecomParisTech, June 2013; jury de promotion TelecomParisTech, Oct. 2013.
Jamal Atif, Michèle Sebag, Olivier Teytaud, members of juries for MDC and PR hiring at Université Paris-Sud.