Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master: A. Seznec, P. Michaud, A. Perais, Architecture avancée, 36 hours, M2, Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Rennes, France
Master: I. Puaut, D. Hardy, Operating systems - process management, 130 hours, M1, Université de Rennes I, France
Master: I. Puaut, Système d'exploitation gestion mémoire, 39 hours, M1, Université de Rennes I, France
Master: I. Puaut, D. Hardy, Systèmes temps-réel, 69 hours, M1, Université de Rennes I, France
Master: D. Hardy, A. Perais, Systèmes d'exploitation, 44 hours, M1, Université de Rennes I, France
Licence: D. Hardy, Informatique temps-réel, 40 hours, L3, Université de Rennes I, France
Master: S. Collange, Programmation parallèle, 22 hours, M1, Université de Rennes I, France
Master/PhD: S. Collange, GPU programming, 30 hours, MSc/PhD programs, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil
PhD in progress: Nabil Hallou, Université Rennes 1, Feb 2013, co-advisors E. Rohou and P. Clauss (EPI Camus Inria Strasbourg)
PhD in progress: Sajith Kalathingal, Université Rennes 1, Dec 2012, co-advisors S. Collange and A. Seznec
PhD in progress: Surya Khizakanchery Natarajan, Université Rennes 1, Jan 2012, advisor A. Seznec
PhD in progress: Hanbing Li, Université Rennes 1, Oct 2012, co-advisors E. Rohou and I. Puaut
PhD in progress: Andrea Mondelli, Université Rennes 1, Oct 2013, co-advisors P. Michaud and A. Seznec
PhD in progress: Bharath Narasimha Swamy, Université Rennes 1, Sept 2011, advisor A. Seznec
PhD in progress: Arthur Perais, Université Rennes 1, Sept 2012, advisor A. Seznec
PhD in progress: Aswinkumar Sridharan, Université Rennes 1, Oct 2013, advisor A. Seznec
PhD in progress: Arjun Suresh , Université Rennes 1, Dec 2012, co-advisors E. Rohou and A. Seznec
Erven Rohou and Damien Hardy taught labs on "Compilation, Optimization, Debug methods" at "Ecole Jeune Chercheurs en programmation" in Rennes, June 2014
Nabil Hallou presented "Dynamic re-vectorization of binary code", at Huitièmes rencontres de la communauté française de compilation, Jul 2014.
Emmanuel Riou presented "Padrone: a dynamic binary modification tool" at the Intel Compiler, ARchitecture and Tools conference, at Haifa, Israel, Dec 2014
Damien Hardy presented "Worst Case Execution Time Estimation and Permanent Faults" in the workshop on Challenges in Mixed Criticality and Real-time and Reliability in Networked Complex Embedded Systems at the Hipeac Computer System Week, May 2014.
André Seznec and Arthur Perais presented their work on Value Prediction at a seminar at Qualcomm, Raleigh, in February 2014.
André Seznec presented the work on Value Prediction at Intel, Hillsboro in November 2014.
Arthur Perais was invited to present its work on Value Prediction at the COMPASS conference, Neufchatel, April 2014, .