Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: A. Seznec, P. Michaud, A. Perais, Architecture avancée, 36 hours, M2, Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Rennes, France

  • Master: I. Puaut, D. Hardy, Operating systems - process management, 130 hours, M1, Université de Rennes I, France

  • Master: I. Puaut, Système d'exploitation gestion mémoire, 39 hours, M1, Université de Rennes I, France

  • Master: I. Puaut, D. Hardy, Systèmes temps-réel, 69 hours, M1, Université de Rennes I, France

  • Master: D. Hardy, A. Perais, Systèmes d'exploitation, 44 hours, M1, Université de Rennes I, France

  • Licence: D. Hardy, Informatique temps-réel, 40 hours, L3, Université de Rennes I, France

  • Master: S. Collange, Programmation parallèle, 22 hours, M1, Université de Rennes I, France

  • Master/PhD: S. Collange, GPU programming, 30 hours, MSc/PhD programs, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil


  • PhD in progress: Nabil Hallou, Université Rennes 1, Feb 2013, co-advisors E. Rohou and P. Clauss (EPI Camus Inria Strasbourg)

  • PhD in progress: Sajith Kalathingal, Université Rennes 1, Dec 2012, co-advisors S. Collange and A. Seznec

  • PhD in progress: Surya Khizakanchery Natarajan, Université Rennes 1, Jan 2012, advisor A. Seznec

  • PhD in progress: Hanbing Li, Université Rennes 1, Oct 2012, co-advisors E. Rohou and I. Puaut

  • PhD in progress: Andrea Mondelli, Université Rennes 1, Oct 2013, co-advisors P. Michaud and A. Seznec

  • PhD in progress: Bharath Narasimha Swamy, Université Rennes 1, Sept 2011, advisor A. Seznec

  • PhD in progress: Arthur Perais, Université Rennes 1, Sept 2012, advisor A. Seznec

  • PhD in progress: Aswinkumar Sridharan, Université Rennes 1, Oct 2013, advisor A. Seznec

  • PhD in progress: Arjun Suresh , Université Rennes 1, Dec 2012, co-advisors E. Rohou and A. Seznec


  • Erven Rohou and Damien Hardy taught labs on "Compilation, Optimization, Debug methods" at "Ecole Jeune Chercheurs en programmation" in Rennes, June 2014

  • Nabil Hallou presented "Dynamic re-vectorization of binary code", at Huitièmes rencontres de la communauté française de compilation, Jul 2014.

  • Emmanuel Riou presented "Padrone: a dynamic binary modification tool" at the Intel Compiler, ARchitecture and Tools conference, at Haifa, Israel, Dec 2014

  • Damien Hardy presented "Worst Case Execution Time Estimation and Permanent Faults" in the workshop on Challenges in Mixed Criticality and Real-time and Reliability in Networked Complex Embedded Systems at the Hipeac Computer System Week, May 2014.

  • André Seznec and Arthur Perais presented their work on Value Prediction at a seminar at Qualcomm, Raleigh, in February 2014.

  • André Seznec presented the work on Value Prediction at Intel, Hillsboro in November 2014.

  • Arthur Perais was invited to present its work on Value Prediction at the COMPASS conference, Neufchatel, April 2014, http://compas2014.unine.ch/ .