Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Contracts with Industry

Alpage has developed several collaborations with industrial partners. Apart from grants described in the next section, specific collaboration agreements have been set up with the following companies:

  • Verbatim Analysis (license agreement, transfer agreement, “CIFRE” PhD, see section  4.3 ),

  • Lingua et Machina (DTI-funded engineer, see section  4.4 ),

  • viavoo (PhD of Marion Baranes, employed at viavoo, which started in 2012 on automatic normalisation of noisy texts),

  • Yseop (“CIFRE” PhD of Raphael Salmon which started in 2012 on automatic text generation)

  • CEA-List (PhD of Quentin Pradet on the annotation of semantic roles in specific domains. The thesis has finished on the 12/31/2015 (defense on the 02/06/2015).

  • Proxem (consulting)