Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7 & H2020

  • Program: IC1207 COST

  • Project acronym: PARSEME

  • Project title: PARSing and Multi-word Expressions

  • Duration: March 2013 - March 2017

  • Coordinator: Agata Savary

  • Other partners: interdisciplinary experts (linguists, computational linguists, computer scientists, psycholinguists, and industrials) from 30 countries

  • Abstract: The general aim of PARSEME is increasing and enhancing the ICT support of the European multilingual heritage. This aim is pursued via more detailed objectives: (1) to put multilingualism in focus of linguistic and technological studies; (2) to establish a long-lasting cross-lingual, cross-theoretical and cross-methodological research network in natural language processing (NLP); (3) to bridge the gap between linguistic precision and computational efficiency in NLP applications.

  • Program: ISCH COST Action IS1312

  • Project acronym: TextLink

  • Project title: Structuring Discourse in Multilingual Europe

  • Duration: April 2014 - April 2018

  • Coordinator: Liesbeth Degand

  • Other partners: experts in computational linguistics and discourse from 24 countries

  • France MC members: Laurence Danlos and Philippe Muller (IRIT)

  • Abstract: With partners from across Europe, TextLink will unify numerous but scattered linguistic resources on discourse structure. With its resources searchable by form and/or meaning and a source of valuable correspondences, TextLink will enhance the experience and performance of human translators, lexicographers, language technology and language learners alike.