Section: New Results
Development of syntactic and deep-syntactic treebanks: Extending our Coverage
Participants : Djamé Seddah, Marie-Hélène Candito, Corentin Ribeyre, Benoît Sagot, Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie.
Taking its roots in the teams that initiated the first syntactically annotated the French Treebank, the first metagrammar compiler and one of the best wide coverage grammars, Alpage has a strong tendency to focus on creating pioneer resources that serve both to extend our linguistics knowledge and to nurture accurate parsing models. Recently, we focused on extending the lexical coverage of our parsers using semi-supervized techniques (see above) built on edited texts. In order to evaluate these models, we built the first free out-domain treebank for French (the Sequoia treebank, [69] ) covering various domains such as Wikipedia, Europarl and bio medical texts on which we established the state-of-the-art. Exploring other kind of texts (speech, user generated content), we faced however various issues inherently tied to the nature of these productions. Syntactic divergences from the norm are actually prominent and are a severe bottleneck for any data driven parsing model. Simply because a structure not present in a training set cannot be reproduced. This analysis naturally occurred as a side effect of our experiments in parsing social media texts. Actually, the first version of the French Social Media Bank (FSMB) was conceived as a stress test for our tool chains (tokenization, tagging, parsing). Our recent experiments showed that to reach a decent performance plateau, we need to include some of the target data into our training set. Focusing on processing direct questions and social media texts, we built two treebanks of about 2,500 sentences each: one devoted to questions and one built to extend the FSMB (Let us note that the ever evolving nature of user generated content makes this a necessity.). These initatives are funded by the Labex EFL.
The French Social Media Bank 2.0: We are about to release the second part of the FSMB, 2600 sentences from Twitter, Facebook and other sources, with an extended annotation scheme able to describe more precisely the various phenomena at stakes in the social media text streams. To do so we extended our pre-processing chain (included and available in the MeLT tagger) to include a much more robust normalizer and tokenizer than the one we used to build the first version of the FSMB. The building phase being over, publications on this topics are on preparation.
The French Question Bank: The building of a treebank made solely of questions comes from the simple fact that in both the FTB and the Sequoia treebank, there's only 150 direct questions. Making the parsing of such constructions extremely difficult for our data driven parsers. Following our now classical methodology, we selected more than 3200 sentences coming from governmental sources, from the TREC ressources – allowing to have a strong set of aligned sentences with the English ressources – and from social media sources as well. In the case of the TREC part, those are the questions used by [85] , which allows some potentially interesting cross-language experiments. Unlike in the English Question Bank, phrasal-movement are annotated with functional paths and not traces. This allows to maintain a strong compatibility with the FTB annotation scheme. Our Question bank is the only resources of its kind for any other languages than English.
Both ressources are available in constituency and dependency. The later being still verified for the FSMB 2.0.
Note that we just started another annotation campaign aiming at adding a deep syntax layer to these two data sets, following the Deep Sequoia as presented above. These resources will prove invaluable to building a robust data driven syntax to semantic interface.
In the same time, Alpage collaborated with the Nancy-based Inria team Sémagramme in the domain of deep syntax analysis. Deep Syntax is intended as an intermediary level of representation, at the interface between syntax and semantics, which partly abtracts away from syntactic variation, and aims at providing the canonical grammatical functions of predicates. This means for instance neutralizing diathesis alternation and making explicit argument sharing, such as occurring for infinitival verbs. The advantage of a deep syntactic representation is to provide a more regular representation to serve as basis for semantic analysis. Note though it is computationally more complex, as we switch from surface syntactic trees to deep syntactic graphs, since shared arguments are made explicit.
We collaboratively defined a deep syntactic representation scheme for French and built a gold deep syntactic treebank [21] , [43] . More precisely, each team used an automatic surface-to-deep syntax converter module, applied it on the Sequoia corpus (already annotated for surface syntax), and manually corrected it. Remaining differences were collaboratively adjudicated. The surface-to-deep syntax converter tool used by Alpage is built around the OGRE Graph Rewriting Engine built by Corentin Ribeyre [105] .
The Deep Sequoia Treebank is too small to train a deep syntactic analyzer directly. In order to obtain more annotated
data, we further used the surface-to-deep syntax converter to obtain predicted (non validated) deep syntactic
representations for the French Treebank [36] , which is much bigger than the Sequoia treebank
(more than