Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ANR MIMOSA (2014–2017)
Participants : Nora Aïssiouene, Marie-Odile Bristeau, Anne Mangeney, Jacques Sainte-Marie.
Seismic noise is recorded by broadband seismometers in the absence of earthquakes. It is generated by the atmosphere-ocean system with different mechanisms in the different frequency bands. Even though some mechanisms have been known for decades, an integrated understanding of the noise in the broadband period band 1-300sec is still missing. Using novel theoretical, numerical and signal processing methods, this project will provide a unified understanding of the noise sources and quantitative models for broadband noise. Conversely, we will be able to interpret seismic noise in terms of ocean wave properties. This first analysis step will lead to the identification and characterization of source events, which we will use to improve noise tomography, and seismic monitoring.
ANR LANDQUAKES (2012–2016)
Project title: Modélisation des glissements de terrain et des ondes sismiques générées pour détecter et comprendre les instabilités gravitaires
Within the ANR domain “Mathematics and Interfaces”, this ANR project (between Univ. Paris-Est – LAMA, Univ. Denis Diderot Paris 7 – IPGP, Univ. Nantes – LPGN, Univ. Strasbourg EOST, euros) deals with the mathematical and numerical modelling of landslides and generated seismic waves.
A. Mangeney is also involved in the CARIB ANR program (2014–2017) entitled “Comprendre les processus de construction et de destruction des volcans de l'Arc des Petites Antilles”.
GdR EGRIN (2013–2017)
Participants : Anne Mangeney, Jacques Sainte-Marie.
EGRIN stands for Gravity-driven flows and natural hazards. J. Sainte-Marie is the head of the scientific committee of this CNRS research group and A. Mangeney is a member of the committee. The scientific goals of this project are the modelling, analysis and simulation of complex fluids by means of reduced-complexity models in the framework of geophysical flows.
ADT Inlgae, Inria Project Lab “Algae in Silico”
Participants : Marie-Odile Bristeau, Raouf Hamouda, Jacques Sainte-Marie.
In the framework of the ADT Inlgae (2013–2014), we developed in collaboration with the BIOCORE Inria project-team a simulation tool for microalgae culture. It lead to the recruitment of R. Hamouda as a young engineer.
An Inria Project Lab “Algae in Silico” is planned in collaboration with BIOCORE. It concerns microalgae culture for biofuel production and the aim is to provide an integrated platform for numerical simulation “from genes to industrial processes”.
ANR project HJnet (2013–2015)
Participant : Edwige Godlewski.
This research project consists in studying Hamilton-Jacobi equations on networks, and more generally on heterogeneous structures. This theoretical problem has several potential applications, in particular to traffic flow theory.
Statistical Inference for Structure Health Monitoring (I4S)
Participant : Nicolas Seguin.
The I4S team results from a collaboration between Ifsttar and Inria. N. Seguin is funded by this team. His work consists in providing efficient numerical tools to take into account the impact of the flows around the structures. The most challenging part of this project concerns the off-shore wind turbines and the understanding of the ice formation on the structure.
Hydraulics for environment and sustainable development (HED)
The scienfitic group (GIS in French), which includes Inria, brings together scientists and engineers involved in hydraulics, risk management and sustainable development. ANGE belongs to this group. On the one hand, the team can be provided with experimental measurements (erosion, long waves, fluid structure interactions,...) thanks to this collaboration; on the other hand, the GIS can favor the transfer of numerical tools and scientific results.