Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • License : S. Labarthe, pre-BAC Analysis and Geometry, 24 h eqTD.

  • License : S. Labarthe, Introduction to analysis, 48 h eqTD.

  • License : S. Labarthe, Help for the redaction of a resume, 21 h eqTD.

  • Engineering school: N. Zemzemi, How to switch from a mathematical model to a numerical solution (examples with the cardiac activity of the heart in 2D), 28 h eqTD

  • Engineering school: F. Caro, TER 2nd year, 6h eqTD, ENSEIRB-MATMECA, IPB.

  • Engineering school: F. Caro, Finite elements, variational formulation and Sobolev spaces, 36h eqTD, Institut Galilée, Univ. Paris 13.

  • Engineering school: Y. Coudière, TER 2nd year, 6h eqTD, ENSEIRB-MATMECA, IPB.

  • Cursus Ingénieur: Y. Coudière, project in scientific computing, F90 1st year, 16h eqTD, ENSEIRB-MATMECA, IPB.

  • Master : Y. Coudière, « Analyse numérique approfondie », 36h eqTD, M2, Univ. Bordeaux.


  • PhD in progress: A. Davidovic, Modelling the cardiac ventricular structural heterogeneities, started on October 2012, supervised by Y. Coudière and C. Poignard.

  • PhD in progress: G. Ravon, An inverse problem for cardiac optical mapping, started on October 2012, supervised by Y. Coudière and A. Iollo.

  • PhD in progress: J. Lassoued, Construction de methodes de reduction de modèle pour le problème d'estimation de parametres en electrophysiologie cardiaque, strted on october 2013, co-supervized by N. Zemzemi with Moncef Mahjoub, École Nationale d'Ingénieur de Tunis (Tunisia).

  • PhD in progress: W. Mbarki, Études thérique et numérique du couplage purkinje-myocarde en electrophysiologie cardiaque, started on october 2013, co-supervised by N. Zemzemi with Saloua Aouadi, Faculté des sciences de Tunis (Tunisia).

  • PhD in progress: P.E. Bécue, Numerical simulations for cardiac electrophysiology at the microscopic scale, started on october 2014, co-supervised by M. Potse with F. Caro, U. Bordeaux and Maison de la Simulation at Saclay.


  • Y. Coudière, reviewer, PhD of Elisa Schenone, 26 Nov. 2014

  • M. Potse, member, D Carlos Sánchez Tapia, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, 23 June 2014.

  • M. Potse, member, PhD Annabelle Collin, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI; France, 6 Oct. 2014