Major publications by the team in recent years
1J. Blum, C. Boulbe, B. Faugeras.
Reconstruction of the equilibrium of the plasma in a Tokamak and identification of the current density profile in real time, in: Journal of Computational Physics, 2012, vol. 231, pp. 960-980. -
2B. Braconnier, B. Nkonga.
Relaxation method for low Mach number compressible multiphase flow, in: Journal of Computational Physics, 2009, vol. 228(16), pp. 5722-5739. -
3P. Degond, F. Deluzet, A. Sangam, M. H. Vignal.
An Asymptotic Preserving scheme for the Euler equations in a strong magnetic field, in: J. Comput. Phys., 2009, vol. 228, no 10, pp. 3540–3558. -
4J. L. Guermond, R. Pasquetti, B. Popov.
Entropy viscosity method for non-linear conservation laws, in: J. of Comput. Phys., 2011, vol. 230, pp. 4248-4267. -
5H. Guillard, F. Duval.
A Darcy law for the drift velocity in a two-phase model, in: J. Comput. Phys., 2007, vol. 224, pp. 288–313. -
6P. H. Maire, B. Nkonga.
Multi-scale Godunov-type method for cell-centered discrete Lagrangian hydrodynamics, in: Journal of Computational Physics, 2009, vol. 228(3), pp. 799-821. -
7A. Murrone, H. Guillard.
On the behavior of upwind schemes in the low Mach number limit: III. Preconditioned dissipation for a five equation two phase model, in: Computers and Fluids, 2008, vol. 37, pp. 1209-1224. -
8R. Pasquetti.
Spectral vanishing viscosity method for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows, in: J. Sci. Comp., 2006, vol. 27(1-3), pp. 365-375. -
9A. Sangam.
An HLLC scheme for Ten-Moments approximation coupled with magnetic field, in: Int. J. Comput. Sci. Math., 2008, vol. 2, no 1/2, pp. 73–109.
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
10M. Bilanceri, F. Beux, I. Elmahi, H. Guillard, M. V. Salvetti.
Implicit time advancing combined with two finite-volume methods in the simulation of morphodynamic flows, in: Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2014, vol. 99, pp. 153-169. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.matcom.2013.07.002 ] -
11F. Boyer, S. Minjeaud.
Hierarchy of consistent n-component Cahn-Hilliard systems, in: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2014, 44 p. -
12G. Falchetto, D. Coster, R. Coelho, B. Scott, L. Figini, D. Kalupin, E. Nardon, S. Nowak, L. Alves, J. Artaud, V. Basiuk, J. P. Bizarro, C. Boulbe, A. Dinklage, D. Farina, B. Faugeras, J. Ferreira, A. Figueiredo, P. Huynh, F. Imbeaux, I. Ivanova-Stanik, T. Jonsson, H.-J. Klingshirn, C. Konz, A. Kus, N. Marushchenko, G. Pereverzev, M. Owsiak, E. Poli, Y. Peysson, R. Reimer, J. Signoret, O. Sauter, R. Stankiewicz, P. Strand, I. Voitsekhovitch, E. Westerhof, T. Zok, W. Zwingmann.
The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling (ITM) effort: achievements and first physics results, in: Nuclear Fusion Supplement, April 2014, vol. 54, no 4, 043018. [ DOI : 10.1088/0029-5515/54/4/043018 ] -
13B. Faugeras, J. Blum, C. Boulbe, P. Moreau, E. Nardon.
2D interpolation and extrapolation of discrete magnetic measurements with toroidal harmonics for equilibrium reconstruction in a Tokamak, in: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2014, vol. 56, 114010. -
14H. Guillard, M. Bilanceri, C. Colin, P. Ghendrih, G. Giorgiani, B. Nkonga, F. Schwander, E. Serre, P. Tamain.
Parallel Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in edge plasma, in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, November 2014, vol. 561, 012009. [ DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/561/1/012009 ] -
15H. Heumann, J. Blum, C. Boulbe, B. Faugeras, G. Selig, P. Hertout, E. Nardon, J.-M. Ané, S. Brémond, V. Grandgirard.
Quasi-static Free-Boundary Equilibrium of Toroidal Plasma with CEDRES++: Computational Methods and Applications, in: Journal of Plasma Physics, 2015, 35 p. [ DOI : 10.1017/S0022377814001251 ] -
16H. Heumann, S. Kurz.
Modeling and Finite-Element Simulation of the Wilson-Wilson Experiment, in: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2014, vol. 50, no 2, pp. 65-68. [ DOI : 10.1109/TMAG.2013.2282630 ] -
17H. Heumann, S. Vogelius.
Analysis of an enhanced approximate cloaking scheme for the conductivity problem, in: Asymptotic Analysis, 2014, vol. 87, no 3-4, pp. 223–246. [ DOI : 10.3233/ASY-131209 ] -
18C. Le Touze, A. Murrone, H. Guillard.
Multislope MUSCL method for general unstructured meshes, in: Journal of Computational Physics, December 2014, 44 p. [ DOI : 10.1016/ ] -
19J. Vides, B. Braconnier, E. Audit, C. Berthon, B. Nkonga.
A Godunov-Type Solver for the Numerical Approximation of Gravitational Flows, in: Communications in Computational Physics, January 2014, vol. 15, no 1, pp. 46-75. [ DOI : 10.4208/cicp.060712.210313a ] -
20J. Vides, B. Nkonga, E. Audit.
A Simple Two-Dimensional Extension of the HLL Riemann Solver for Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws, in: Journal of Computational Physics, January 2015, vol. 280, pp. 643-675. [ DOI : 10.1016/ ]
Invited Conferences
21R. Pasquetti.
High order finite elements for partial differential equations : the Fekete-Gauss approach, in: workshop “Challenges in medical imaging : numerics, high performance computing, inverse problems”, Glasgow, United Kingdom, May 2014. -
22R. Pasquetti.
Entropy viscosity stabilized spectral element approximation of the shallow water equations with dry-wet transitions, in: ICCP 9, Singapour, Singapore, January 2015. -
23N. Peres, R. Pasquetti.
Micro-jets synthétiques et contrôle de sillages: Modélisation et simulation, in: workshop CNRT - R2A, Recherche en Aérodynamique et Aéroacoustique des Véhicules Terrestres, Paris, France, January 2014. -
24N. Peres, R. Pasquetti.
Numerical investigations on wake control using synthetic microjets, in: Aerovehicle 1, Bordeaux, France, June 2014.
International Conferences with Proceedings
25D. Auroux, J. Blum, M. Nodet.
A New Method for Data Assimilation: the Diffusive Back and Forth Nudging Algorithm, in: ICIPE 2014 - International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering, Cracow, Poland, May 2014. -
26P. Cargemel, Y. Mesri, H. Guillard.
Conformal hexahedral mesh coarsening by agglomeration, in: 23rd International Meshing Roundtable, London, United Kingdom, Sandia National laboratory, October 2014. -
27J. Urban, L. C. Appel, J. F. Artaud, B. Faugeras, J. Havlicek, M. Komm, I. Lupelli, M. Peterka.
Validation of equilibrium tools on the COMPASS tokamak, in: SOFT 2014, San Sebastian, Spain, 2014, SOFT 2014 conference, submitted to Fusion Engineering and Design. -
28J. Vides, E. Audit, B. Nkonga.
A Relaxation Scheme for Inviscid Flows under Gravitational Influence, in: Congrès SMAI 2013, Seignosse le Penon, France, ESAIM: Proc. and Surveys, September 2014, vol. 45, pp. 523-532. [ DOI : 10.1051/proc/201445054 ] -
29J. Vides, S. Van Criekingen, E. Audit, M. Szydlarski.
A Godunov-Type Solver for Gravitational Flows: Towards a Time-Implicit Version in the HERACLES Code, in: ASP Conference Series, Biarritz, France, 8th International Conference of Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows (ASTRONUM 2013), September 2014, vol. 488, pp. 279-284.
Conferences without Proceedings
30R. Pasquetti, J.-L. Guermond, B. Popov.
Stabilized spectral element approximation of the Saint Venant system using the entropy viscosity technique, in: ICOSAHOM 2014, Salt Lake City, United States, June 2014.
Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)
31A. Bonnement, S. Minjeaud, R. Pasquetti.
Towards a High Order Fourier-SEM Solver of Fluid Models in Tokamaks, in: Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations - ICOSAHOM 2012, M. Azaïez, H. E. Fekih, J. S. Hesthaven (editors), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering - Volume 95, Springer, 2014, pp. 169-178. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-01601-6_13 ] -
32H. Heumann, R. Hiptmair.
Stabilized Galerkin for Linear Advection of Vector Fields, in: Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications - ENUMATH 2013, Springer, 2015. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-10705-9_3 ] -
33F. Rapetti, R. Pasquetti.
Spectral element methods on simplicial meshes, in: Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations - ICOSAHOM 2012, M. Azaïez, H. E. Fekih, J. S. Hesthaven (editors), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer International Publishing, February 2014, pp. 37-55. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-01601-6_3 ]
Internal Reports
34H. Guillard.
Mapped Fourier Methods for stiff problems in toroidal geometry, July 2014, no RR-8566, 17 p. -
35H. Heumann, J. Blum.
Optimal Control for Quasi-Static Evolution of Plasma Equilibrium in Tokamaks, May 2014. -
36F. Imbeaux, A. Thierry, B. Faugeras, P. Moreau, E. Nardon.
Tokamak-generic equilibrium identification and profile reconstruction, CEA IRFM, 2014. -
37J. Vides, B. Nkonga, E. Audit.
A Simple Two-Dimensional Extension of the HLL Riemann Solver for Gas Dynamics, May 2014, no RR-8540.
Scientific Popularization
38M. Nodet, A. Rousseau, S. Minjeaud.
Courants marins : l’histoire d'une bouteille à la mer, in: Brèves de maths, Nouveau monde, October 2014.
Other Publications
39F. Berthelin, T. Goudon, S. Minjeaud.
Consistency analysis of a 1D Finite Volume scheme for barotropic Euler models, March 2014. -
40F. Berthelin, T. Goudon, S. Minjeaud.
Kinetic schemes on staggered grids for barotropic Euler models: entropy-stability analysis, August 2014. -
41T. Goudon, B. Nkonga, M. Rascle, M. Ribot.
Self-organized populations interacting under pursuit-evasion dynamics, July 2014. -
42M. Wu, B. Mourrain, A. Galligo, B. Nkonga.
Spline Spaces over Quadrangle Meshes with Complex Topologies, February 2014.
43J.-F. Artaud, S. H. Kim.
A new free-boundary equilibrium evolution code, FREEBIE, in: European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, (Stockholm, Sweden), 2012. -
44C. Berthon, B. Dubroca, A. Sangam.
A Local Entropy Minimum Principle for Deriving Entropy Preserving Schemes, in: SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, 2012, vol. 50, pp. 468-491. -
45J. Blum, C. Boulbe, B. Faugeras.
Reconstruction of the equilibrium of the plasma in a Tokamak and identification of the current density profile in real time, in: J. Comp. Phys, 2012, vol. 231, pp. 960–980. -
46J. Bucalossi, A. Argouarch, V. Basiuk, O. Baulaigue, P. Bayetti, M. Bécoulet, B. Bertrand, S. Brémond, P. Cara, M. Chantant, Y. Corre, X. Courtois, L. Doceul, A. Ekedahl, F. Faisse, M. Firdaouss, J. Garcia, L. Gargiulo, C. Gil, C. Grisolia, J. Gunn, S. Hacquin, P. Hertout, G. Huysmans, F. Imbeaux, G. Jiolat, M. Joanny, L. Jourd’heuil, M. Jouve, A. Kukushkin, M. Lipa, S. Lisgo, T. Loarer, P. Maget, R. Magne, Y. Marandet, A. Martinez, D. Mazon, O. Meyer, M. Missirlian, P. Monier-Garbet, P. Moreau, E. Nardon, S. Panayotis, B. Pégourié, R. Pitts, C. Portafaix, M. Richou, R. Sabot, A. Saille, F. Saint-Laurent, F. Samaille, A. Simonin, E. Tsitrone.
Feasibility study of an actively cooled tungsten divertor in Tore Supra for {ITER} technology testing, in: Fusion Engineering and Design, 2011, vol. 86, no 6–8, pp. 684 - 688, Proceedings of the 26th Symposium of Fusion Technology (SOFT-26). -
47P. Hertout, C. Boulbe, E. Nardon, J. Blum, S. Brémond, J. Bucalossi, B. Faugeras, V. Grandgirard, P. Moreau.
The CEDRES++ equilibrium code and its application to ITER, JT-60SA and Tore Supra, in: Fusion Engineering and Design, 2011, vol. 86, no 6, pp. 1045–1048. -
48H. Heumann, R. Hiptmair.
Stabilized Galerkin methods for magnetic advection, in: M2AN Math. Mod. and Num. Anal., 2013. -
49A. A. Ivanov, R. R. Khayrutdinov, S. Y. Medvedev, Y. Y. Poshekhonov.
The SPIDER code — solution of direct and inverse problems for free boundary tokamak plasma equilibrium, in: Keldysh Institute preprints, 2009. -
50A. N. Kolmogorov.
The local structure of turbulence in incompressible viscous fluid for very large Reynolds numbers, in: Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences 30, 1941, pp. 299-303. -
51F. Schwander, G. Chiavassa, G. Ciraolo, P. Ghendrih, L. Isoardi, A. Paredes, Y. Sarazin, E. Serre, P. Tamain.
Parallel shear flow instability in the tokamak edge, in: Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2011, vol. 415, no 1, pp. S601-S604, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2010.10.073 ]