Section: New Software and Platforms
The code NS2DDV is developed jointly with the team SIMPAF, of the Inria Research Centre Lille Nord Europe. It is devoted to the simulation of non-homogeneous viscous flows, in two-dimensional geometries. The code is based on an original hybrid Finite Volume/Finite Element scheme; it works on unstructured meshes and can include mesh refinements strategies. Further details can be found in the research papers J. Comput. Phys., 227, 4671–4696, 2008 and J. Comput. Phys., 229 (17), 6027–6046, 2010. The code exists in two versions: a Matlab public version, a C++ prototype version allowing more ambitious simulations. Both versions are still subject to developments. The current versions is restricted to incompressible flows but on-going progress are concerned with the simulation of avalanches. The source code of the public version is downloadable and several benchmarks tests can be reproduced directly.