Section: New Software and Platforms
for Computing Parallel Architecture to Speed up Simulation is a parallel code for the discretization of polyphasic flows by Finite Volumes methods. The code is mainly devoted to applications in porous media. It works on quite general polyhedral meshes. A first step in the code development has been made during the 2012 edition of CEMRACS and then pursued by C. Guichard, R. Masson and R. Eymard in 2013. A first version of the code has been deposited at the Agency for the Protection of Programs (APP). This current version of ComPASS has been tested on a gas storage two phase flow benchmark with GDFSuez using the Vertex Approximate Gradient spatial discretization. The results have shown a very good parallel scalability on the CICADA Cluster at UNS with a few millions of cells and up to 1024 cores. The objective is to develop a generic simulator for multiphase Darcy flows. This simulator will implement advanced finite volume methods on general 3D meshes and on heterogeneous anisotropic media, taking into account discrete fracture networks represented as interfaces of codimension one and coupled with the surrounding matrix. It will be able to treat a large range of multiphase Darcy flow models accounting for thermodynamical equilibrium and the coupling with an energy conservation equation. The simulator will run on massively parallel architectures with a few thousands of cores. It will be applied to several type of industrial applications starting with the simulation of high energy geothermal systems as a carbon-free source of power production.