Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Tomas Prieto-Rumeau (Department of Statistics and Operations Research, UNED, Madrid, Spain) visited the team during two weeks in 2014. The main subject of the collaboration is the approximation of Markov Decision Processes.
Oswaldo Costa (Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil) collaborate with the team on the theoretical aspects of continuous control of piecewise-deterministic Markov processes. He visited the team during two weeks in 2014 supported by the USP-COFECUB grant and the Associate Team Inria: CDSS.
Alexey Piunovskiy (University of Liverpool) visited the team during six weeks in 2014. The main subject of the collaboration is the linear programming approach for Markov Decision Processes. This research was supported by the Clusters d'excellence CPU.
Giuliano Casale (Imperial College), invited from December 10th to December 12nd 2014 to continue his collaboration with Jonatha Anselmi.
Leonardo Trujillo (ITT Tijuana, Mexico) visited the team for one month in october 2014 to continue his collaboration with Pierrick Legrand.
Visits to International Teams
Francois Dufour visited Alexey Piunovskiy (University of Liverpool) to continue his work about the linear programming approach for Markov Decision Processes.
Pierrick Legrand visited Leonardo Trujillo (ITT Tijuana, Mexico) in nov 2014.