Section: New Software and Platforms

New Software and Platforms

Download page : https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/?group_id=3646


HoMade is a softcore processor that we have started developing in 2012. The current version is reflective (i.e., the program it executes is self-modifiable), and statically configurable; dynamically reconfigurable multi-processors are the next steps. Users have to add to it the functionality they need in their applications via IPs. We have also being developing a library of IPs for the most common processor functions (ALU, registers, ...). All the design is in VHDL except for some schematic specifications.

The V5 version of HoMade has been developed in the Spring 2014. It has been used by 140 4th-year computer science students at Univ. Lille enrolled in the hardware architecture course (https://sites.google.com/site/tpm1aev/home ). The new features of V5 are listed in Section  6.2 .


JHomade is a software suite written in JAVA, including compilers and tools for the HoMade processor. It allows us to compile HiHope programs to Homade machine code and load the resulting binaries on FPGA boards. It was first released in 2013. The second version in 2014 includes several new features, like a C-frontend, a binary decoder and a code-generator for VHDL simulation. New features of the HiHope language are described in more detail in Section  6.3 .


Kcheck is a tool for the symbolic execution of programs in arbitrary languages defined in the 𝕂 framework (http://k-framework.org ), such as C and Java as well as the languages HiHope and Homade machine-code languages developed in out team. It also allow users to formally verify programs against specifications written in Reachability Logic, a specification formalism that can be seen as a language-independent Hoare logic. More information about the theory underlying Kcheck is given in Section  6.5 .

In 2014 we have developed a new and improved version of our tool, in order to keep up with the new modular infrastructure of the 𝕂 framework. An online interface has been developed and is available at https://fmse.info.uaic.ro/tools/kcheck/ . We have also started (since Nov. 2014) a development in the Coq proof assistant in order to obtained certificates for the program verifications performed by our tool.