Section: New Results
Language-Independent Symbolic Execution, Program Equivalence, and Program Verification
A significant part of our research project consists in applying formal techniques for symbolically executing and formally verifying HiHope programs, as well as for formally proving the equivalence of HiHope programs with the corresponding HoMade assembly and machine-code programs obtained by compilation of HiHope.
Symbolic execution will detect bugs (e.g., stack undeflow) in HiHope programs. Additionaly, symbolic execution is the natural execution manner of HiHope programs as soon as they contain (typically, underspecified) hardware IPs;
program verification will guarantee the absence of bugs (with respect to specified properties, e.g., no stack underflow, no invocation of unavailable IPs, ...);
program equivalence will guarantee that such above-mentioned bugs are also absent from the HoMade assembly and machine-code programs obtained by compilation of HiHope source code.
Since these languages are still evolving we decided to work (together with our colleagues from Univ. Iasi, Romania) on language-independent symbolic execution, program-equivalence, and program-verification techniques. In this way, when all the languages in our project become stable, we will be readily able to instantiate the above generic techniques on (the K formal definitions of) the languages in question. We note that all the techniques described below are also independent of K: they are applicable to other language-definition frameworks that use similar rewriting-based formal operational semantics.
Symbolic Execution
In [15] we propose a language-independent symbolic execution framework. The approach is parameterised by a language definition, which consists of a signature for the language's syntax and execution infrastructure, a model interpreting the signature, and rewrite rules for the language's operational semantics. Then, symbolic execution amounts to performing a so-called symbolic rewriting, which consists in changing both the model and the manner in which the operational semantics rules are applied. We prove that the symbolic execution thus defined has the properties naturally expected from it. A prototype implementation of our approach was developed in the K Framework. We demonstrate the genericity of our tool by instantiating it on several languages, and show how it can be used for the symbolic execution, bounded model checking, and deductive verification of several programs. With respect to earlier versions of this work, we have redefined symbolic execution in a more generic way and have included applications to model checking and deductive verification. The current version of the report [15] is submitted to a journal and is based on Andrai Arusoaie's PhD thesis [1] , defended in September 2014 at Univ. Iasi (Romania). Andrei was co-supervised by Vlad Rusu and has since joined Dreampal as a postdoc.
Program Equivalences
In [6] we propose a logic and a deductive system for stating and automatically proving the equivalence of programs written in languages having a rewriting-based operational semantics. The chosen equivalence is parametric in a so-called observation relation, and it says that two programs satisfying the observation relation will inevitably be, in the future, in the observation relation again. This notion of equivalence generalises several well-known equivalences and is appropriate for deterministic (or, at least, for confluent) programs. The deductive system is circular in nature and is proved sound and weakly complete; together, these results say that, when it terminates, our system correctly solves the given program-equivalence problem. We show that our approach is suitable for proving equivalence for terminating and non-terminating programs as well as for concrete and symbolic programs. The latter are programs in which some statements or expressions are symbolic variables. By proving the equivalence between symbolic programs, one proves the equivalence of (infinitely) many concrete programs obtained by replacing the variables by concrete statements or expressions. The approach is illustrated by proving program equivalence in two languages from different programming paradigms. The examples in the paper, as well as other examples, can be checked using an online tool. This work was started in 2012. With respect to earlier versions, the new journal publication [6] includes a new and more general presentation of program equivalence as a temporal-logic formula, the generalisation of the approach to nondeterministic-confluent language semantics, substantially more compact proofs, and a new application to corecursive programs.
In another work [10] we deal with a different kind of equivalence: mutual equivalence, which says that two programs are mutually equivalent if they both diverge or they end up in similar states. Mutual equivalence is an adequate notion of equivalence for programs written in deterministic languages. It is useful in many contexts, such as capturing the correctness of, program transformations within the same language, or capturing the correctness of compilers between two different languages. In the case of different languages one needs an operation called language aggregation, which we present in [11] in more detail, that combine two languages into a single one. We introduce a language-independent proof system for mutual equivalence, which is parametric in the operational semantics of two languages and in a state-similarity relation. The proof system is sound: if it terminates then it establishes the mutual equivalence of the programs given to it as input. We illustrate it on two programs in two different languages (an imperative one and a functional one), that both compute the Collatz sequence.
Program Verification
In [16] we present an automatic, language-independent program verification approach and prototype tool based on symbolic execution. The program-specification formalism we consider is Reachability Logic, a language-independent alternative to Hoare logics. Reachability Logic has a sound and relatively complete deduction system that offers a lot of freedom to the user regarding the manner and order of rule application, but it lacks a strategy for automatic proof construction. Hence, we propose a procedure for proof construction, in which symbolic execution plays a major role. We prove that, under reasonable conditions on its inputs (the operational semantics of a programming language, and a specification of a program, both given as sets of Reachability Logic formulas) our procedure is partially correct: if it terminates it correctly answers (positively or negatively) to the question of whether the given program specification holds when executing the program according to the given semantics. Termination, of course, cannot be guaranteed, since program-verification is an undecidable problem; but it does happen if the provided set of goals includes enough information in order to be circularly provable (using each other as hypotheses). We introduce a prototype program-verification tool implementing our procedure in the K language-definition framework, and illustrate it by verifying nontrivial programs written in languages defined in K. With respect to earlier versions of this work from 2013, program verification is now presented as a procedure (instead of a proof system), which leads to a direct implementation in the new version of our prototype tool. We also have a new theoretical result: weak completeness, which says that a negative answers returned by the verification procedure imply the fact that that the program does not meet its specification. Finally, since Andrei Arusoaie's arrival in the Dreampal team as a postdoc (Nov 2014) we have started working on certifying our verification procedure in the Coq proof assistant.
Language Definitions as Rewrite Theories
In [8] we study the relationships between language definition frameworks (e.g., the K framework) and rewrite theories (e.g., as those embodied in the Maude tool). K is a formal framework for defining the operational semantics of programming languages. It includes software tools for compiling K language definitions to Maude rewrite theories, for executing programs in the defined languages based on the Maude rewriting engine, and for analyzing programs by adapting various Maude analysis tools. A recent extension to the K tool suite is an automatic transformation of language definitions that enables the symbolic execution of programs, i.e., the execution of programs with symbolic inputs. In this paper we investigate more particularly the theoretical relationships between K language definitions and their translations to Maude, between symbolic extensions of K definitions and their Maude encodings, and how the relations between K definitions and their symbolic extensions are reflected on their respective representations in Maude. These results show, in particular, how analyses performed with Maude tools can be formally lifted up to the original language definitions. The results presented in this paper provide the theoretical underpinnings for the current version of the K-Maude tool.