Section: New Results
Hardware chain for partial reconfiguration
The cost overhead due to the use of a softcore processor (MicroBlaze) to drive dynamic reconfiguration led us to explore alternative solutions. The one we have adopted is the use of a dedicated hardware IP (that can be invoked by HoMade) to control and manage dynamic and partial reconfiguration. This approach has led us to develop a complete hardware chain for partial bitstreams reads and writes. The proposed architecture is based on an external memory controller (DDR3) whose role is to manage bitstreams transfers from and to the DDR. Bitstreams loading are managed by a HoMade instruction implemented in a dedicated IP that drives the ICAP interface to transfer data into the reconfigurable area through the physical ICAP. One of the most important performance criteria of dynamic and partial reconfiguration is the reconfiguration time, that we always try to reduce while taking into account the compromise cost / area, speed and power consumption. Preliminary results give a transfer rate exceeding 500 MB/s. Such a result is clearly promising, especially since our hardware reconfiguration chain is constructed to be easily adaptable to SPMD (multi HoMade) needing parallel partial reconfiguration. This work has been the subject of a first communication in the GDR / SOCSIP conference in Paris: 11, 12, 13 June 2014.