Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events selection
Members of conference program committee
ICGI International Conference on Grammatical Inference [F. Coste, Reviewer and member of Steering Committee].
PRIB International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics [A. Siegel].
Program committee of Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences (SWAT4LS 2014) [O. Dameron].
Member of editorial board
O. Dameron: Bioinformatics, Cancer informatics, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Journal of Biomedical Semantics.
A. Siegel : Nature, Bulletin of the Belgium Math. Society, BMC Systems Biology.
Participation to council and advisory boards
Scientific Advisory Board of GDR BIM " Molecular Bioinformatics"[J. Nicolas].
Member of SCAS (Service Commun d'Action Sociale) of Univ. Rennes 1 [C. Belleannée].
Member of the the Operational Legal and Ethical Risk Assessment Committee (COERLE) at Inria.
Scientific Advisory Board of Biogenouest [J. Bourdon, J. Nicolas, A. Siegel].
Expertise for national call "Biologie des systèmes appliqués au Cancer" [A. Siegel]
Expertise for ARP "MERMED : Adaptation aux changements environnementaux en mer Méditerranée : quelles recherches et quels partenariats ?" [website] [A. Siegel]
Recruitment committees: assistant professor (LRI, Orsay) [A. Siegel, F. Coste], assistant professor (Univ. Rennes) [F. Coste], professor (Univ. Bordeaux) [A. Siegel].
Organization of local meetings
Seminar A weekly seminar of bioinformatics is organized within the laboratory. Attendees are member of the symbiose team, biologists from Brittany and computer scientists from the laboratory. [website] .
Organization of Irisa department "Data and knowledge management"'s seminar [F. Coste].
Workshop. Théorie des réseaux booléens et ses applications en biologie A one-week workshop on boolean networks was organized in Nice in Nov. 2014. It gathered 20 researchers in bioinformatics, computer science and mathematics about several aspects of boolean networks properties [website]