Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: Umut Acar and Mike Rainey, “Introduction to parallel computing with PASL”, 15h, L2, University of Puerto Rico, USA.

  • Licence: Jacques-Henri Jourdan, “Langages de programmation et compilation” 46h, L3, École Normale Supérieure, France.

  • Licence: François Pottier, “Algorithmique et programmation” (INF431), 13h30, L3, École Polytechnique, France.

  • Licence: Gabriel Scherer, “IP1: Introduction to computer science and programming using Java”, 42h, L1, University Paris Diderot, France.

  • Licence: Gabriel Scherer, “IP1: Introduction to computer science and programming using C”, 42h, L3, University Paris Diderot, France.

  • Master: Xavier Leroy and Didier Rémy, “Functional programming languages”, 15h + 20h, M2R MPRI, University Paris Diderot/ENS Paris/ENS Cachan/Polytechnique, France.

  • Master: Luc Maranget, “Semantics, languages and algorithms for multi-core programming”, 9h, M2 MPRI, University Paris Diderot/ENS Paris/ENS Cachan/Polytechnique, France.

  • Master: François Pottier, “Compilation” (INF564), 13h30, M1, École Polytechnique, France.


  • PhD: Çagdas Bozman, “Profilage mémoire d'applications OCaml”, Ecole Polytechnique, defended on 16 Dec 2014, supervised by Michel Mauny (ENSTA), Pierre Chambart (OCamlPro), and Fabrice Le Fessant (Inria).

  • PhD: Julien Cretin, “Erasable coercions: a unified approach to type systems” [11] , École Polytechnique, defended on 30 Jan 2014, supervised by Didier Rémy.

  • PhD: Jonathan Protzenko, “Mezzo: a typed language for safe effectful concurrent programs” [12] , U. Paris Diderot, defended on 29 Sep 2014, supervised by François Pottier.

  • PhD in progress: Arthur Guillon, “Concurrent realizability and program verification for weak memory computers”, U. Paris Diderot, started September 2014, interrupted January 2015, supervised by Luc Maranget and Jade Alglave (Microsoft Research Cambridge).

  • PhD in progress: Pierre Halmagrand, “Déduction Automatique Modulo”, CNAM, since September 2013, supervised by David Delahaye (CNAM), Damien Doligez (Inria), and Olivier Hermant (Mines ParisTech).

  • PhD in progress: Gabriel Scherer, “Term inference: proof search for singleton inhabitants”, U. Paris Diderot, since October 2011, supervised by Didier Rémy.

  • PhD in progress: Jacques-Henri Jourdan, “Formal verification of a static analyzer for critical embedded software”, U. Paris Diderot, since September 2012, supervised by Xavier Leroy.

  • Pre-PhD ENS year: Thomas Williams, “Putting ornaments into practice”, since September 2014, supervised by Didier Rémy.


Damien Doligez was a member of the Ph.D. jury of Çagdas Bozman, ENSTA ParisTech, Palaiseau, December 2014.

Xavier Leroy chaired the PhD committee of André Maroneze, University Rennes 1, June 2014.

Xavier Leroy was a member of the committees for the PhD awards of ACM SIGPLAN and of the GDR GPL (Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel).

Collective responsibilities

Damien Doligez chaired the Commission des actions de développement technologiques of Inria Paris-Rocquencourt until Oct 2014.

Xavier Leroy is vice-président du comité des projets of Inria Paris-Rocquencourt and appointed member of Inria's Commission d'Évaluation. He participated in the following Inria hiring and promotion committees: jury d'admissibilité CR2 Saclay; jury d'admissibilité DR2; promotions CR1; promotions DR1 and DR0.

Luc Maranget is an elected member of the Comité Technique Inria.

Luc Maranget chairs the Commission des utilisateurs des moyens informatiques – Recherche of Inria Paris-Rocquencourt.

Didier Rémy is deputy scientific director of Inria, in charge of the fields Algorithmics, Programming, Software and Architecture.

Didier Rémy represents Inria in the commission des études of the MPRI master, co-organized by U. Paris Diderot, ENS Cachan, ENS Paris, and École Polytechnique.