Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
Member of the organizing committee
Maxime Dénès was member of the organizing committee for the First International Workshop on Coq for Programming Languages (CoqPL 2015 ), co-located with POPL'15 in Mumbai, India.
Scientific events selection
Chair of the conference program committee
Xavier Leroy co-chaired the program committee of the ACM SIGPLAN 2015 conference on Certified Proofs and Programs (CPP'15 ), which will take place in January 2015 in Mumbai, India, colocated with POPL'15.
Member of the conference program committee
ALENEX 2015 (Algorithm Engineering & Experiments): Umut Acar was a member of the program committee.
ECOOP 2014 (European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming): Mike Rainey was a member of the artefact evaluation committee.
ESOP 2015 (European Symposium on Programming): Umut Acar was a member of the program committee.
Eurosys 2015 (European Conference on Systems Research and Development): Pierre-Évariste Dagand was a member of the shadow program committee.
POPL 2015 (42nd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages): Umut Acar and François Pottier were members of the program committee; Xavier Leroy was a member of the external review committee.
CoqPL 2015 (Workshop on Coq for Programming Languages): Maxime Dénès and Xavier Leroy were members of the program committee.
MLW 2015 (ACM SIGPLAN ML Family Workshop): Didier Rémy was a member of the program committee.
WGP 2014 (Workshop on Generic Programming): Pierre-Évariste Dagand was a member of the program committee.
In 2014, members of Gallium reviewed approximately 95 papers submitted to international conferences and 15 papers submitted to international workshops.
Member of the editorial board
Communications of the ACM: Xavier Leroy is on the editorial board for the Research Highlights column.
Journal of Automated Reasoning: Xavier Leroy is a member of the editorial board.
Journal of Functional Programming: François Pottier is a member of the editorial board.
Journal of Formalized Reasoning: Xavier Leroy is a member of the editorial board.
In 2014, members of Gallium reviewed 4 journal submissions.