Section: Dissemination

Invitations to seminars and conferences

  • D. Augot made a presentation, “Décodage des codes de Reed-Solomon et logarithme discret dans les corps finis”, at the Cryptography Seminar of Université de Rennes I, March 21st

  • D. Augot made a presentation for the Secret project-team at Inria Rocquencourt “Bitcoin hors-sol”, November 13th.

  • A. Couvreur was an invited speaker at Journées Codage et Cryptographie, Grenoble in march 2014.

  • A. Couvreur has been invited to give a talk at regular seminars in Rennes, Caen, University Paris 6, University Paris 8 and Bordeaux.

  • B. Smith was an invited speaker at YACC 2014, Porquerolles, June 2014.

  • B. Smith was an invited speaker in the Computational Number Theory workshop at FOCM 2014, Montevideo, Uruguay, December 2014.

  • B. Smith was an invited speaker at the inaugural MCrypt Workshop, Les Deux Alpes, August 2014.

  • B. Smith was an invited speaker at DLP2014 (Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the Discrete Logarithm Problem), Ascona, Switzerland, May 2014.

  • B. Smith gave a talk in the regular PolSys seminar at UPMC, March 2014.