Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master

    • D. Augot, Error-correcting codes and applications to cryptography, 6h00, level M2, MPRI, France.

    • A. Couvreur, Error-correcting codes and applications to cryptography, 12h, level M2, MPRI, France.

    • A. Couvreur is Chargé d'enseignement at the École Polytechnique for the academic year 2014-2015.

    • A. Couvreur gave a one-week crash course in cryptology at the university of Masuku (Franceville, Gabon). Level M1.

    • B. Smith, Algorithmes arithmétiques pour la cryptologie, 13.5h (equiv TD), level M2, MPRI, France.

    • F. Morain, Algorithmes arithmétiques pour la cryptologie, 9h (equiv TD), M2, level M2, MPRI, France.

    • B. Smith, Cryptologie, 18h (equiv TD), M1, École polytechnique, France

    • F. Morain, 9 lectures of 1.5h, 3rd year (M1) course “cryptology” at École polytechnique.

  • F. Levy-dit-Vehel, “Cours de Cryptographie”, 30h. (equiv TD), 3rd year (M1), ENSTA ParisTech, France.

  • Licence

    • F. Morain 10 lectures of 1.5h, 1st year course “Introduction à l'informatique” (INF311) at École polytechnique (L3). Responsability of this module (350 students).

    • B. Smith Introduction à l'informatique, 40h (equiv TD), L3, École polytechnique, France course “Introduction à l'informatique” (INF311) at École polytechnique (L3).

    • A. Couvreur Introduction à l'informatique, 40h (equiv TD), L3, École polytechnique, France course “Introduction à l'informatique” (INF311) at École polytechnique (L3).

    • A. Couvreur Les bases de la programmation et de l'algorithmique, 32h (equiv TD), M1, École polytechnique, France course (INF411) at École polytechnique (M1).

    • F. Levy-dit-Vehel, “Mathématiques discrètes pour la protection de l'information”, 24h. (equiv TD), 2nd year (L3), ENSTA ParisTech, France.

  • E-learning

    • I. Márquez-Corbella, with D. Augot's help, is currently preparing a MOOC on code-based cryptology. This MOOC is intended for an audience of M2 or PhD students who are interested in this sub-branch of cryptology. This can bring in students from coding theory, cryptology, or even physicists interested in post-quantum cryptography. N. Sendrier and M. Finiasz will complement and bring scientific authority to these lectures, by addressing more advanced topics. This bilingual MOOC (Spanish and English) is planned to be open in March, with a five week duration. It is supported by the Inria MOOC Lab, and will be hosted on the platform FUN.


  • D. Augot, advised two students, Gaspard Ferey and Sylvain Colin, for a “Projet personnel en laboratoire”, whose object of study was attacks on code-based cryptosystems and their relation to the Chor-Rivest cryptosystem. 12h, level M1, Polytechnique, France.

  • A. Couvreur advised one student, Alexander Schaub, for a “Projet personnel en laboratoire” on an oblivious transfer protocol using a noisy channel. 12h, level M1, Polytechnique, France.

  • A. Couvreur advised the Masters thesis of Elise Barelli (Master Cryptis, University of Limoges). 6 month internship, level M2.

  • B. Smith supervised Charlotte Scribot's Masters thesis (Master P7). 6 month internship, level M2.

  • B. Smith co-supervised the third year of Cécile Gonçalves' PhD project.

  • F. Levy-dit-Vehel supervised Julien Lavauzelle's end of ENSTA studies internship (level M2), 5 months.


  • D. Augot was a member of Maurice Denise's PhD committee, for her defense “Codes correcteurs quantiques pouvant se décoder itérativement”, June 26th.

  • D. Augot was a member of Nicolás Bordenabe's PhD committee, for his defense “Measuring Privacy with Distinguishability Metrics: Definitions, Mechanisms and Application to Location Privacy”, September 12th.

  • D. Augot was a reviewer of Clément Pernet's HDR thesis “High Performance and Reliable Algebraic Computing”, and member of his defense committee, November 21st.

  • A. Couvreur is a member of the jury of the agrégation de mathématiques.

  • B. Smith was a member of Ivan Boyer's PhD jury, for his defense “Variétés abéliennes et jacobiennes de courbes hyperelliptiques, en particulier à multiplication réelle ou complexe”, January 24th.

  • B. Smith was a member of Jean-Christophe Zapalowicz's PhD jury for his defense “Sécurité des générateurs pseudo-aléatoires et des implémentations de schémas de signature à clé publique”, November 21st.