Section: New Software and Platforms


ACTIS: Contribution to Sage

In the beginning of 2014,D. Augot and C. Pernet submitted an IJD proposal (ingénieur jeune diplomé) to Inria, called Projet Actis (Algorithmic Coding Theory In Sage). The aim of this project is to vastly improve the state of the error correcting library in Sage. The existing library does not present a good and usable API, and the provided algorithms are very basic, irrelevant, and outdated. We thus have two directions for improvement: renewing the APIs to make them actually usable by researchers, and incorporating efficient programs for decoding, like J. Nielsen's CodingLib, which contains many new algorithms.

We hired D. Lucas on October 1st; he has started implementing various basic things, in a standalone manner. We plan to publish these snippets of code to the Sage community in January 2015. Our plan is to interact a lot with the Sage community, to ensure that our new APIs will cover most of the needs of various communities.