Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
member of the organizing committee
D. Augot is member of the committee of the CCA seminar on coding and cryptology. This seminar regularly attracts around 30 participants.
J. Nielsen, with L. de Feo, organized a Digiteo event CLIC related to J. Nielsen's Ditigeo funding IDEALCODES . This non-recurrent event attracted 30 participants.
Scientific events selection
member of the conference program committee
D. Augot was a member of the WAIFI 2014 programm committee (International Workshop on the Arithmetic of Finite Fields, Gebze, Turkey)
D. Augot was a reviewer for ITW (Information Theory Workshop) 2015.
B. Smith was a reviewer for Eurocrypt 2014, CRYPTO 2014, PKC (Public Key Cryptography) 2014, and ANTS (Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium) 2014.
member of the editorial board
D. Augot is member of the editorial board of the RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications, a Cambridge journal published by EDP Sciences.
D. Augot is member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Information and Coding Theory, InderScience publishers.