Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Bob Sumner: Character depiction, posing and synthesis, Disney Research (Zurich) (13/11/2014).
Tamy Boubekeur: Spatial, Statistical and Morphological Analysis for 3D Shape Modeling, Telecom ParisTech (23/10/2014)
Jacob Wenzel: Capturing and simulating the interaction of light with the world around us, ETH Zurich (09/10/2014)
Mariët Theune: Nicolas Szilas, Ulrike Spierling, Paolo Petta, Remi Ronfard. Storytelling seminar (21/07/2014)
Mark Finlayson: Learning Narrative Structure from Annotated Stories, MIT (03/07/2014)
Matthias Teschner: Particle-based Fluid Simulation, University of Freiburg (17/06/2014)
Melina Skouras. Design and Fabrication of Deformable Objects, ETH Zurich (05/06/2014)
Boris Thibert. Flat torus and smooth fractals, LJK Grenoble (15/05/2014)
Olga Sorkine. Reality-inspired constraints for shape modeling and editing, ETH Zurich (28/03/2014)
Jernej Barbic: Model reduction for elasticity problems in computer graphics and animation, University of Southern California (02/27/2014)
Chris Wojtan: Compensating for Defects in Geometric Models and Liquid Surfaces, IST Austria (02/20/2014)