Section: New Software and Platforms



Participants : Cedric Adjih, Emmanuel Baccelli, Ichrak Amdouni.

FIT IoT-LAB is a platform built to help foster the development, tuning and experimentation of protocols and applications for the Internet of Things and wireless sensor networks. IoT-LAB provides both dedicated IoT hardware deployments, a front-end webportal and backend management software. Using these elements, IoT-LAB enables users to share access to this IoT hardware, set-up and manage experiments. Remote use, and large scale experiments on concrete IoT deployments are thus made possible.

The Infine team is now managing the IoT-LAB site currently located in Rocquencourt , and which was publically opened in November 2014. It consists of the following:

  • A set of GPS repeaters are relaying the GPS signal indoor (used for time synchronization)

  • 200 A8 nodes, all equipped with GPS (10 deployed outside – identifiers between 166 and 175)

  • 24 M3 nodes

  • 120 WSN430 nodes

This platform was developped as part of the Equipex FIT (see section  8.1.1 ).