Section: New Results

Highlights of the Year

  • We proved a conjecture made in 2011 about the feasibility of non-trivial community detection just above a threshold below which it was known that only trivial detection could be done, see [13] . This was published in ACM STOC'14 and well-received, as the proof required the invention of new techniques to control the spectral properties of random matrices.

  • The official opening of IoT-LAB of all sites through the "Workshop Internet Of Things/Equipex FIT IoT-LAB" held in Grenoble (on 6 and 6 november 2014), has been a major event for our team: it concludes several years of preparation of the IoT-LAB site located in Rocquencourt, currently managed by C. Adjih, E. Baccelli and I. Amdouni, which was itself opened the same month https://www.iot-lab.info/opening-of-the-paris-rocquencourt-site/ .