Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
member of the organizing committee
The team helped organising the Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs en Théorie des Nombres , which took place in Bordeaux on 11/06/2014–13/06/2014.
Scientific events selection
member of the conference program committee
Andreas Enge was a member of the programme committee for the Elliptic Curve Cryptography 2014 conference in Chennai, India.
Sorina Ionica was a member of the program committee for the Latincrypt 2014 conference.
member of the editorial board
K. Belabas acts on the editorial board of Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux since 2005 and of Archiv der Mathematik since 2006.
H. Cohen is an editorial board member of Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux; he is an editor for the Springer book series Algorithms and Computations in Mathematics (ACM).
J.-M. Couveignes is a member of the editorial board of the Publications mathématiques de Besançon since 2010.
A. Enge is an editor of Designs, Codes and Cryptography since 2004.
Other scientific activities
Invited talks
D. Robert was invited to give a talk on “Pairings on abelian varieties and the Discrete Logarithm Problem” for the Discrete Logarithm Problem Conference in May 2014 at Ascona, Switzerland
D. Robert was invited to give a talk on “Isogenies between abelian varieties” for the Effective moduli spaces and applications to cryptography conference in June 2014 at Rennes
D. Robert was invited to give a talk on “Optimal pairings on abelian varieties” for the Elliptic Curve Cryptography conference in October 2014 at Chennai, India
H. Ivey-Law was invited to give a talk on “Arithmetic on Jacobians of Relative Curves” for the Number Theory Meets Geometry conference in November 2014 at Kaiserslautern, Germany
A. Enge has given an invited talk on “Abelian varieties and theta functions for cryptography” at the 4th International Cryptology and Information Security Conference at Putrajaya, Malaysia
A. Enge has given an invited talk on “Class invariants for Abelian surfaces” at the workshop Computational Number Theory of Foundations of Computational Mathematics in Montevideo, Uruguay
The following external speakers have given a presentation at the Lfant seminar, see
Frédérique Oggier (NTU, Singapour): “ Le codage pour le stockage distribué de données”
Hartmut Monien (Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bonn): “Zeta values, random matrix theory and Euler-MacLaurin summation” and “Calculating rational coverings for subgroups of efficiently”
Nicolas Delfosse (Montreal): “Une introduction au calcul quantique tolérant aux fautes”
Eduardo Friedman (Universidad de Chile): “Cône de Shintani et degré topologique”
John Boxall (Caen): “Heuristiques sur les variétés abéliennes adaptées à la cryptographie à couplage”
Pınar Kılıçer (Leiden+IMB): “The class number one problem for genus-2 curves”
Bertrand Maury (Paris-Sud): “Arbre bronchique infini et entiers dyadiques”
Emmanuel Thomé (Nancy): “Un algorithme quasi-polynomial de calcul de logarithme discret en petite caractéristique”
Amalia Pizarro-Madariaga (Valparaíso): “Estimations for the Artin conductor”
Alina Dudeanu (EPFL): “Computing a Velu type formula for rational cyclic isogenies betweenisomorphism classes of Jacobians of genus two curves that are defined over afinite field.”
Gaetan Bisson (University of French Polynesia): “On polarised class groups of orders in quartic CM-fields”
Kamal Khuri Makdisi (American University of Beirut): “Moduli interpretation of Eisenstein series”
Kamal Khuri Makdisi (American University of Beirut): “On divisor group arithmetic for typical divisors on curves”
Chloe Martindale (University of Leiden / IMB): “An algorithm for computing Hilbert modular varieties”
Dimitar Jetchev (EPFL): “Euler systems from special cycles on unitary Shimura varieties andarithmetic applications”
Alain Couvreur (Inria and LIX, École Polytechnique): “Une attaque polynomiale du schéma de McEliece basé sur les codes de Goppa "sauvages".”
Research administration
K. Belabas is vice-head of the Math Institute (IMB). He also leads the computer science support service (“cellule informatique”) of IMB and coordinates the participation of the institute in the regional computation cluster PlaFRIM.
He is an elected member of “commission de la research” in the academic senate of Bordeaux University.
J.-P. Cerri is an elected member of the scientific council of the Mathematics Institute of Bordeaux (IMB) and responsible for the bachelor programme in mathematics and informatics.
Since January 2011, J.-M. Couveignes is involved in the GDR mathématiques et entreprises and in the Agence pour les mathématiques en interaction avec l’entreprise et la société.
A. Enge is the head of the COST-GTRI, the Inria body responsible for the scientific evaluation of the international partnerships of the institute.