Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR Peace – Parameter spaces for Efficient Arithmetic and Curve security Evaluation

Participants : Bill Allombert, Karim Belabas, Jean-Marc Couveignes, Andreas Enge, Hamish Ivey-Law, Nicolas Mascot, Enea Milio, Aurel Page, Damien Robert.


The Peace project is joint between the research teams of Institut de Recherche en Mathématiques de Rennes (IRMAR), Lfant and Institut Mathématiques de Luminy (IML).

The project aims at constituting a comprehensive and coherent approach towards a better understanding of theoretical and algorithmic aspects of the discrete logarithm problem on algebraic curves of small genus. On the theoretical side, this includes an effective description of moduli spaces of curves and of abelian varieties, the maps that link these spaces and the objects they classify. The effective manipulation of moduli objects will allow us to develop a better understanding of the algorithmic difficulty of the discrete logarithm problem on curves, which may have dramatic consequences on the security and efficiency of already deployed cryptographic devices.

One of the anticipated outcomes of this proposal is a new set of general criteria for selecting and validating cryptographically secure curves (or families of curves) suitable for use in cryptography. Instead of publishing fixed curves, as is done in most standards, we aim at proposing generating rationales along with explicit theoretical and algorithmic criteria for their validation.

The ANR organised the conference “Effective moduli spaces and applications to cryptography” in June 2014 as a part of the Centre Henri Lebesgue's Thematic Semester 2014 “Around moduli spaces”.

ANR Simpatic – SIM and PAiring Theory for Information and Communications security

Participants : Guilhem Castagnos, Damien Robert.

The Simpatic project is an industrial research project, formed by academic research teams and industrial partners: Orange Labs, École Normale Supérieure, INVIA, Oberthur Technologies, ST-Ericsson France, Université de Bordeaux 1, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, Université de Paris 8.

The aim of the Simpatic project is to provide the most efficient and secure hardware/software implementation of a bilinear pairing in a SIM card. This implementation will then be used to improve and develop new cryptographic algorithms and protocols in the context of mobile phones and SIM cards. The project will more precisely focus on e-ticketing and e-cash, on cloud storage and on the security of contactless and of remote payment systems.

D. Robert is a participant in the Task 2 whose role is to give state of the art algorithms for pairing computations, adapted to the specific hardware requirements of the Simpatic Project.