Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • License: Angela Bonifati, Introduction to Databases, 54h, L3, Université Lille 1, France

  • Master (Mocad): Pierre Bourhis Information extraction, 18h, M2, Université Lille 1, France

  • Master (Mocad): A. Bonifati Information extraction, 18h, M2, Université Lille 1, France

  • Master : S. Tison Advanced algorithms and complexity, M1, 57h, Université Lille 1, France

  • Master : S. Tison, Fouille de données, M1, 30h, Université Lille 1, France

  • Master: A. LEMAY, XML Technologies, 16h, M2, Université Lille 3, France

  • DUT : Iovka Boneva, 100h, Université Lillle 1, France

Angela Bonifati is the co-responsable of the Master MOCAD of the University of Lille1.

Aurélien Lemay is pedagogical responsable for Computer Science and numeric correspondant for UFR LEA Lille 3.


  • PhD : A. M. NDIONE, Probabilistic algorithms for tree automata and transducers. Since Sept. 2010. 16th April 2014. Supervised by Niehren and Lemay

  • PhD: G. LAURENCE, Normalisation et Apprentissage de Transformations d'Arbres en Mots. Since Sept 2010 4th June 2014 Supervised by Niehren and Lemay and Staworko.

  • PhD in progress : R.CIUCANU,Cross-modelqueriesandschemamappings:evaluationandlearning. Since Sept. 2012. Supervised by Bonifati.

  • PhD in progress : T. SEBASTIAN, Streaming algorithms for XSLT. Since May 2011. Supervised by Niehren.

  • PhD in progress: A. BOIRET, Top-down tree transformations with look-ahead : foundations and learning. Since Sept. 2011. Supervised by Niehren and Lemay.


  • HDR: Joachim Niehren was reviewer of the HDR of Pierre Senellart (Institut Télécom Paris-Tech) and comity member of Agata Savary (University of Blois).

    Sophie Tison was reviewer for the HDR of E. Contejean (University South Paris) and M. Morvan (University East Paris). She was a member of the committy of B. Ben Amor.

  • PhD:

    Joachim Niheren was president of the jury of Evguenia Kopylova and Antoine Thomas.

    Angela Bonifati was member of the jury of Ioana Ileana.

    Sophie Tison was reviewer of the PhD of J. Amavi and member of the jury of A. Ndione, R. Auguste, A. Aissaoui and O. Rihawi.

    Slawomir Staworko was member of the Jury of Jean Decoster.

  • Selection Comity :

    Iovka Boneva was member of the selection comity for Junior Researcher (CR2) Inria Saclay

    Sophie Tison was member of Selection comity for Professor at Lille1, and Associate Professor at Lens and Marseille. She was also in the Evaluation Comity of for the pre-proposition of ANR and member of the jury IUF senior 2014.

    Pierre Bourhis was member of a comity selection for Associate Professor at Rennes.