Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
member of the editorial board
J. Clairambault in 2014 for PLoS Comp Biol, Seminars Canc Biol, Cancer Research, MMNP, Canc Cell Intnl, J Theor Biol, Bull Math Biol, J Math Biol, Future Medicine, Math BioSci, Math BioSci Eng, Non Linear Biomed Physics, Theor Biol Med Modelling
M. Doumic in 2014 for Ann. IHP Non-Lin., Journal of Mathematical Biology, Proc. London Math. Society, habilitation of M. Ribot.
D. Drasdo in 2014 for e.g. Nature, Bioinformatics, PLoS Comput Biol, habilitation of A. Zinovyev (Inst. Curie, habil. at ENS Rue d'Ulm), CaSyM Roadmap (Coordinating Action Systems Medicine: Implementation of Systems Medicine across Europe)