Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: J. Clairambault, Modélisation de la croissance cellulaire et tissulaire, 2 h de cours magistral, L2 Parcours Médecine-Sciences UPMC, France

  • Master: J. Clairambault, Mathematical biology, M2 Mathématiques appliquées, 6 h de cours magistral (in English), UPMC, France

  • Master: J. Clairambault, Modélisation de l'optimisation thérapeutique en cancérologie, 4 h de cours magistral, M2 Pharmacologie, Rennes, france

  • Doctorat: J. Clairambault, Modélisation de la croissance cellulaire et tissulaire, 2 h de cours magistral, DESC Oncologie, UPMC, France

  • Summer/Winter schools: J. Clairambault, Winter school BIOMAT La Falda (Córdoba, Argentina), August 2014, 3 h of conference classes (en castellano)

  • Master: M. Doumic, course on inverse problems and applications in population dynamics (24 hours)

  • Master: D. Drasdo, Mathematical Biology, UPMC: “Agent-based models of tissue organisation” (24h)


  • HdR: Nicolas Vauchelet, “Contributions mathématiques à l'étude de modèles décrivant le mouvement de particules confinées et de micro-organismes”, UPMC, 08/12/2014

  • PhD: Hadjer Wafaâ Haffaf, “Analyse de l'agrégation des protéines dans les maladies neurodégénératives amyloïdes - Application aux maladies à prion”, UPMC, defended 14/10/17, Marie Doumic

  • PhD in progress: Aurora Armiento, “Inverse problems for aggregation kinetics”, begun September 2013, M. Doumic and P. Moireau (Inria Saclay, M3DISIM team)

  • PhD in progress: Sarah Eugène, “Stochasticity in nucleation dynamics”, begun September 2013, M. Doumic and P. Robert (Inria Paris-Rocquencourt, RAP project-team)

  • PhD in progress: Adélaïde Olivier, “Nonparametric estimation of the division rate in branching process”, begun September 2012, M. Doumic and M. Hoffmann (Prof. Univ. Paris-Dauphine)

  • PhD in progress: Thibault Bourgeron, “Linear and nonlinear structured population models”, begun September 2012, M. Doumic and B. Perthame

  • PhD in progress: Ján Eliaš, “p53 intracellular spatio-temporal dynamics”, begun October 2012, J. Clairambault and B. Perthame

  • PhD in progress: Casimir Emako-Kazianou, L. Almeida and N. Vauchelet

  • PhD in progress: Antonin Prunet, begun October 2014, L. Almeida and A. Escargueil

  • PhD in progress: Andrada Maran, “Modelling early leukaemogenesis”, begun March 2014, J. Clairambault and B. Perthame

  • PhD in progress: Cécile Taing, begun October 2014, A. Lorz and B. Perthame

  • PhD in progress: François Bertaux (since September 2011), supervision by Dirk Drasdo and Gregory Batt

  • PhD in progress: Noémie Bossier (since November 2013), supervision by Dirk Drasdo and Irene Vignon-Clementel

  • PhD in progress: Géraldine Cellière (since October 2012), supervision by Dirk Drasdo, Andrei Zinovyev and Emmanuel Barillot (Institut Curie)

  • PhD in progress: Adrian Friebel (since June 2011), supervision by Dirk Drasdo and Stefan Hoehme

  • PhD in progress: Johannes Neitsch, Univ. Leipzig (since June 2011), supervision by Dirk Drasdo and Paul Van Liedekerke


  • J. Clairambault: José Luis Avila, PhD defence, 02/07/2014, Paris XI (Applied mathematics)

  • J. Clairambault (Reviewer) : Hossein Ayoub, PhD defence, 04/07/2014, Bordeaux (Applied mathematics)

  • J. Clairambault: Nathalie Eymard, PhD defence, 04/12/2014, Lyon (Applied mathematics)

  • J. Clairambault: Niklas Hartung, PhD defence, 15/12/2014, Marseille (Applied mathematics)

  • M. Doumic: H.W. Haffaf, PhD defence, 17/10/2014, UPMC (Applied mathematics)

  • M. Doumic: N. Vauchelet, habilitation thesis, 8/12/2014, UPMC (Applied mathematics)

  • M. Doumic: M. Ribot, habilitation thesis, 12/12/2014, UPMC (Applied mathematics)

  • D. Drasdo: A. Zinovyev, habilitation thesis, 04/04/2014, ENS (Computational Biology)