Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria International Partners
Informal International Partners
The CMI (Chennai Mathematical Institute) is a long-standing partner of our team. The project Île de France/Inde in the ARCUS program from 2008 to 2011 has allowed several exchange visits between Cachan and Chennai, organizations of ACTS workshops with french and indian researchers in Chennai, internships in Cachan, and two theses in co-tutelle (Akshay Sundararaman, defended in 2010) and Aiswarya Cyriac (thesis in progress).
Currently, Paul Gastin is co-head (with Madhavan Mukund) of the CNRS International Associated Laboratory (LIA) INFORMEL (INdo-French FORmal Methods Lab, ), see below.
We have been exchanging visits for several years between MExICo and the DISCO team (Lucia Pomello and Luca Bernardinello) at University Milano-Bicocca, Italy.
Exchanges are frequent with Rolf Hennicker from LMU and Javier Esparza at TUM, both in Munich, Germany.
With the computer science and electrical engineering departments at Newcastle University, UK (Maciej Koutny, Alex Yakovlev, Victor Khomenko and Andrey Mokhov), with visits in both directions.
Participation In Other International Programs (non-Inria)
Since October 2013, Benedikt Bollig has been the French coordinator of the EGIDE-Procope project TAMTV (2013/2014), which is a collaboration with LIAFA (Paris) and the University of Ilmenau (Germany).
The Indo-French Formal Methods Lab is an International Associated Laboratory (LIA) fostering the scientific collaboration between India and France in the domain of formal methods and applications to the verification of complex systems. Our research focuses on theoretical foundations of games, automata, and logics, three important tools in formal methods. We study applications to the verification of safety-critical systems, with an emphasis on quantitative aspects (time, cost, energy, etc.), concurrency, control, and security protocols. The Laboratory was founded in 2012 by a consortium of researchers from the French Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (ENS Cachan), Université Bordeaux 1, the Institute of Mathematical Sciences Chennai (IMSc), the Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI), and the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (IISc). It is directed by Paul Gastin (ENS Cachan, MExICo team) and Madhavan Mukund (CMI). The LIA has been scientifically extremely active and productive since its creation. The LIA has supported numerous scientific exchanges and joint research papers, see