Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Maciej Koutny from Newcastle University came as an invited Profeessor (for ENS Cachan) from February 10 to 14 and from March 3 to 7, 2014.
From May 12 to June 3rd, K. Narayan Kumar from CMI Chennai, India, visited to work with C. Aiswarya and Paul Gastin on controllers for distributed systems.
From June 1 to 10, 2014, S. Akshay from IIT Bombay visited MExICo to work with Paul Gastin, on split-width techniques for timed systems.
Stanislav Böhm from the Technical University of Ostrava visited the group from 7 october to 7 december 2014.
Internships hosted by MExICo
Visits to International Teams
Shorter Visits
Paul Gastin visited S. Akshay at IIT Bombay twice, first January 11-17 to work on probabilistic timed systems , and then from December 7 to 19 to work on timed pushdown systems and to deliver an invited talk at FSTTCS in Delhi.
Stefan Haar visited the PAIS lab at Higher School of Economics in Moscow from Sept. 15 to 23.